Eridan Ampora 8

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You grumble and sleepily pick up your buzzing phone and put it to your ear, "Nuhmmmmm.... Hello...?" He slowly wake up as the trembling voice on the other side speaks to you. You sit up on the side of your bed and slump over, trying to pacify your crying brother-in-law, "Alright, alright, I'll be ower in a little bit..." You hang up and get up and head to the bathroom to at least put your hair back.

You head to the bathroom and lightly slick your hair back and wash the once-running eyeliner off your face. You then go to your room and slip on a pair of gray sweatpants and a purple T-shirt, plus your hipster framed glasses and close your door, not bothering to lock it since you were only half awake still.

You look up at the apartment complex and walk inside and up the stairs to come to apartment 222. You open the door without a care and hear voices coming from a room which you supposed was the kitchen; must've been Karkat talking to his friend that the apartment truly belonged to. You head towards the voices and look in, "I'm here, Kar, now-w w-what's wr-" 

You look up to see him.

Sollux Captor.


((Hey sorry for not updating for awhile, been busy bluh.))

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