Sollux Captor 5

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You look at the clock, only thirty minuteth until I gotta pick up ED. You tell your bros goodbye and log off your game and secure your computer before going to your room to finding something to wear, since you were in your fucking boxers like the lazy shit you were. You open your closet and pick through your clothes and finally setting on a black T-shirt over a white long sleeved shirt, white skinny jeans, and the usual one black shoe-one white show routine. You put on your blue and red oval glasses and look into your mirror to check yourself; you look good. Maybe not as good as you should be but whatever: it was only a one-night thing to settle what needs to be settled and nothing more.

You are now running to Eridan's place. You had gotten sidetracked with yourself and were now five minutes late. You look at the time and groan, running faster to beat the clock that had already beaten you BY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES. You huff and walk up to his door and knock twice(like you were told). You stand straight and calm down; but seriously, that was like a half mile sprint.

He opens the door, "About fuckin' time, you're 20 minutes late!" You shake your head and point to your yellow and black watch, "Only 5." He inspects your watch before pointing to the frozen seconds hand, "You're watch broke and it fuckin' says 'A.M.'" You take another look at your clock and face-palm, "Fuck, I am tho thorry, ED." He sighs and adjusts his scarf over his mouth, "W-Whatewer, it's no big deal." You finally just noticed you could see his breath, as well as your own.

"Well sthould we get going?"" He nods, "Yea." He shuts the door behind him and locks it. As you two start walking, he holds your hand but then instantly pulls away. You raise and eyebrow questioningly at him, but don't ask. He blushes, or maybe it was just his body reacting to the cold outside. Speaking of which, you check what he's wearing: he was wearing a blue scarf, a black poofy-like jacket with fur on the hood(which he didn't pull up over his head), black skin-tight skinny jeans, and purple shoes.

You both keep walking for awhile before he changes the subject that still lingered in the air, "W-Where the fuck are w-we goin' anyw-ways?" You smile a little and look over at him in the corner of your eyes, "You'll thee." He rolled his eyes and followed you into the quiet, well, quiet-er part of New York.

You both arrive at Red Lobster and go inside. Eridan looks around, especially at the lobsters in the tank, you walk up behind him, "You ready to check in?" He jumps and turns around, startled, "W-Wha-- oh yea." He blushes a little and looks up at you, both of your faces inches away. You grab his hand gently and lead him to the front desk and check in and the lady at the front desk turns around and smiles, "Reservation number and identification please~"

"Oh yea," you pull out your I.D. and hand it to her, "Rethervathion number 11." She takes your I.D and takes a few minutes to verify your reservation before handing your card back, "Someone will be with you shortly, if you would please stand to the side~" You grab Eridan's hand again and step off to the side, him surprisingly not pulling away. You look over at him to see him blushing and looking down at the ground infront of him.

A boy in his early twenties with snakebite peircings comes over to you with two menus in hand, "Your table is this way~" You look over to Eridan and nudge him with your elbow and the both of you followed him and sat down at your table. The boy sets down the menus infront of you two and takes out his notepad, "Hi my name is Kitteh and I shall be taking your orders today. What would you like to drink this evening?" You look at the menu, "I'll take a Cherry Thprite. What about you, ED?" He looks at his menu, "Uhm... I'll take a Diet Coke." The waiter smiles and jots down some quick writing, "I'll be right back with your drinks."

He leaves and you look at the menu, "Hmm... Everything lookth tho good..." Eridan sits silently, it looks like he's already chosen his order. You look up after you've chosen and the waiter comes back, "Have we chosen what we would like?" You look to Eridan then back to the waiter, "Uh, yea I think tho," you look back down at the menu, "I'll take the crab thalad with the bread-thtickth." He writes it down and looks to Eridan, "And you?" "I'll take the salmon with lemon juice." "Okay, I will be back with your orders shortly~" He takes the menus, nods to you both and leaves.

You sit back in the booth and look over to Eridan, "Tho how'th it been? You know, ever thinthe you left thchool." He looks at you and leans his arms on the table, "Good, I guess. I'we got a good job and a nice crew." You nod and wait a bit before asking, "Tho how did you come to meet Chrithtina? It'th pretty amazing to know thomeone ath famouth ath her."

He smiled a little, "Heh, w-well I ran aw-way w-when I w-was about 17, and liwed a pretty shitty life. I had a horrible apartment w-with this fuckin' pothead and w-worked at a strip club as a waiter," He sighed, "And one night Christina found me outside the club, battered up and on the ground in the alley.." He paused and took a drink of his Cherry Coke, "She pretty much took me in. She had asked me if I w-wanted to dance, and I w-was still in a pretty emotional state, but I said yes anyhow-w, because really, w-what other choise did I hawe?" You listen intently and nod at his retorical question, "Go on." He sighed, "I practiced and practiced and practiced before I finally shaped up and w-was actually in a performance. I hawe to admit, I did break a few bones and ripped a few-w muscles in the show-w business, but it was w-worth it. So to get to the point, Christina is like a mother to me in a w-way." 

You look up when the waiter came and gave you and Eridan your orders, "Here's yours," he set down the platter in front of you, "And here is yours~" He set Eridan's platter down infront of him and refilled your glasses, "Is there anything else I can get for you today?" "Ah no, I think we're good," You smile at him and he walks away with the cart.

He pours some lemon juice on his salmon and starts to eat, as well as you start to eat yours. You guess you'll talk to him about the past on the way back to his place.

Or maybe your place.

You hope your place.

Oh my god you want to fuck him so hard.

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