Sollux Captor 11

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You wake up to find an empty spot beside you. Was it a sweet dream? No, it couldn't have been... You check your cell to find you have 1 new message- from Eridan. You open your flip-phone quickly and open the message: 'Bye Sol, thanks for showin' me a good time wwhile I wwas here in New York.'

Bye? What did he mean by bye!? Your eyes widen; that's right, he was only on tour in New York for a week. He's leaving now..... You'll never see him again.... Wait! What time did he send the message? You look at the message again and it seems to say it was sent at 9:00 this morning, it was only 9:48! You knew you still had time to stop this, so you got up and quickly threw on a jacket since you had fallen asleep in your t-shirt and jeans last night. You rush out of your front door the at the speed of electricity. Okay, maybe not that fast but you were still pretty damn fast. Tears filled your eyes as you darted to his place, they fell down your cheeks slowly like needles; was it just the cold biting you, or was it the mere chance that you may never see him again?

You nearly ram yourself into his door as you bang on it frantically, "ED!? ED are you in the-" You look down to see a note slid halfway under the door and pick it up to read it. It read: 'The rent should be paid, if not I left some money at the airport. Thank you for the stay!' The airport? The airport! You slide the paper back halfway under the wooden door and run to the airport which was all the way on the other side of the ghettos. This is going to be quite the run....

 You run into a few troubles but not enough to keep you back through the alley ways on your way to the dreaded airport. You see a private building that is not guarded where there was a private jet having the luggage put in. You look around to see if you can fi- there he is! He just started to get on the jet when you run faster, "ED!!" You nearly trip but catch yourself; he can't hear you over the sound of engines around you, "ED!!!" Tears fill your eyes as he is halfway up the stairs to the jet and your desperate cries not to be heard, "Eridan!!!!!!!!

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