Past Sollux Captor 3

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You sit down behind the ass-hat that you knew you were gonna have problems with if he kept his eyes on your, your, girlfriend. You just glare a hole through his sleek black hair and flick a pencil at the back of his head. "Uhm, excuse me?" He harshly and sassily whispered to you. Now you knew you hated him, he needed to learn his fucking place.

You write some lazy-ass poem since you sucked ass at literature:

Red means love,

Romance and happiness,

Blue means sadness,

Hate and sorrow,

But what I feel,

Could it possibly be purple?

Ah yes, purple.


You leaned back in your chair for the remainder of the hour. When the bell rang, you quickly scribbled down your name and handed it to Ms. Leijon, tossing your arm around Feferi's shoulders.

You pushed the hipster-glasses asshole to the ground and, unfortuntely, only his books fell, "Hey!" You watched him pick them up and snap at you, "Now-w that w-wasn't necessary!" You pause, he stood up to you. No one's ever wronged you in such a direct way. You sneer at him, "Nerd," and walk away.

That asshole wasn't going to be invited kindly here.


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