Eridan Ampora 7

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You left, you left everywhere. You ended up moving to Minnesota with your grandparents, since your father was called into war again. You really missed him when he left, you spent hours praying for his safe return and his safe time at war. At times you wished he would die since he never loved you, but then you realize he didn't abuse you like other fathers that didn't love their child did, and he fed you and put a roof over your head. Plus, he was your father above all and you knew no matter what he did to you, you would always love him.

Unfortunately, your cousin lived with them as well and constantly abused you, and before he got the chance to take away your virginity, you ran away. It wasn't the easiest thing you had done in your life and you still avoid him to this day along with many other people, but you will never ever speak of any of that to anyone.

You got a shitty apartment with a stoner and got a shitty job at a club that you dealt with for a while until Christina found you outside the club after some guys tried to get 'some' and you fought back, they finally ended up giving up on you after they beat you and broke a couple of your bones and a deathly threat.

You sat by the door for hours until your seahorse clock glubbed 12 times to signal midnight. You get up and wipe the mascara from your cheeks the best you could and went into your room. You stripped down to your boxers and threw on a T-shirt, you hoped sleep would heal. 

Maybe this was all a dream.

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