Eridan Ampora 12

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As you saw him fall, tears filled your eyes and you reached out for him then you were drawn- no, you were pulled into the jet. The door slammed, you were buckled in, and you took off. You immediately struggled, yanking the seat belt off and running to the door, when you went black. Everything did.

No, I didn't w-want it to end like this! I need to get to him! But the words wouldn't come out, your vision was blurry and you started to see again, slowly and inefficiently of course, but your vision returned. You looked around slowly, you were alone, in your room- your real room. You sat up and your purple silk sheets flowed off of your chest to fall gracefully on your waist, and looked around, taking in your similar surroundings. You slowly stepped out of bed and swayed a little, you were a bit uneasy though you didn't know why. Everything in your room was purple, the wretched purple. 

You finally composed yourself and went into your bathroom, which was connected to your room, and looked at yourself. Your hair was down and your skin was pale, slightly tinted purple. You bent over to get a closer look in the mirror when you felt a sharp pain in your lower back, like someone had stabbed you. A great shock of pain flew through you and your legs gave out causing you to fall onto the cold bathroom floor.

Tears filled your eyes as you army crawled to your bedroom door that led to the red hallway. You cried and whimpered in pain as you pushed on, the pain shooting through every possible nerve in your body. Your legs dragged on and you reached up for the door handle, the golden door handle which was so elegantly crafted, and locked. You yanked at it and cried harder now, your back and everything hurting as you extended your body to rattle the doorknob in vain. You pounded and slammed and slapped on the door, but there was no sound, no answers, no help. "Someone please!!!!" You slammed on the door with both of your fists as it echoed through the house, "I need a doctor!! PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!" You cried and cried and screamed but no one came, so you fell on your side in pain, laying helpless and alone. Completely and utterly alone.

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