Sollux Captor 2

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You knew it, right from the moment your eyes had met that that was Eridan Ampora. Eridan fucking Ampora. You look him in the eyes in disbelief, until he breaks the gaze and leaves the stage along with the others. You stand there even after everyone had left, Karkat had gone home with one of his other friends that were at the concert, and there you were, just standing there like an idiot. You finally snap out of it and rush backstage after the security was let down and only a couple people remained, who had let you through after much examination and questioning. You look at the name tags on the rooms for hours it seemed until you found his, taking in a deep breath and knocking at the door. 

"Come in, it's unlocked." You take a deep breath in before entering, shutting the door behind you. There he was, washing off all the extra makeup he had needed for the concert, "Uh, hey." You manage to get out as you see his eyes widen through the reflection of the mirror he was looking into. "W-What do you want?" You are taken aback a little from his sudden tensing, "I jutht wanted to tell you how good you did out there, I didn't know you danthed for Chrithtina?" "W-With. I dance, w-with Christina." "Erm, right."

You sit there in awkward silence before walking forward as he gets up, throwing a purple scarf around his neck and grabbing his own stuff and turning towards you, "So w-what brought you here anyw-ways?" He raises an eyebrow at you and his near to violet eyes looking up at you and you look back down at him, "Oh, you know, KK dragged me here." He leaned back, "I see, w-well w-where is he?" You chuckle a little and scratch the back of your head, "He jutht kinda ditched me for thome other guyth." He nodded and turned around, "W-Well I need to get goin' so if you'll excuse me.." He started out the back door that led to the back street alley.

"Hey, wait!" You follow him down the street, "Jutht let me ek-thplain." He didn't look back at you, "Explain w-what? There's nothin' to explain." You sigh, "Come on, ED, thith hath to be thettled one time or another, I know what I did wrong.." "Honestly, Sol, I hawe no idea w-what you're ewen talkin' abou-" "ED, pleathe jutht let me take you out for thupper or thomething tomorrow tho we can get thith thettled." "Sol, just fuckin' drop it!!" He yells out, turning around to face you with the most feirce glare, "I don't w-want to talk about it, period! Just go home, stop follow-win' me!" You stop in your tracks, your eyes wide behind your blue and red oval glasses.

As he marches off, you see a piece of paper fall from his bag, you go over to it and bend down, looking at it, "New York Danthe Thtudio?"

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