Past Eridan Ampora 1

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April 29th, 2010

Thursday 7:45 A.M.

Your name is Eridan Ampora and you have just moved to New York last summer since your dad got promoted with his job. You are a 16-year-old Junior and today will be your first day at Andrew Hussie High School. You really think this school will be great! You were pretty sad to leave your last school, you had so many friends there, but you really couldn't control anything after your dad had made up his mind to move.

You comb back your black hair with a purple streak in the front and hairspray it. You had just dyed it before you came to New York, and everyone back at your home school encouraged you, but they were still sad to see your beautiful auburn hair go to waste.

You were still in your white T-shirt and seahorse boxers as you went into the bathroom and did your makeup. Okay, so what? You wear makeup. It looked nice and you didn't drown yourself in it like girls did; all you did was line your eyes with black eyeliner then put on a little purple eyeshadow on. You don't overdo it.

You go to your room and pick out an outfit with time and care, and you chose to wear a purple polo shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just above your elbows, a black fashion vest over it, and blue and black striped skinny jeans than fanned out a bit at the ends, and of course, your thick framed hipster glasses that you actually did need due to a certain event you would rather not think about.

You look into your body mirror and smile confidently then sigh. Man, you hated being short, you were only 5'5, you have been since you were about 13. At first you were one of the tallest kids there and now, unfortunately, you were one of the shortest. 

You look at your phone(which was a nice new Optimus Vu III) and check the time, Half an hour before school starts.  You put your phone in your back pocket and put your leather jacket on which was given to you by your mortal enemy and elder brother Cronus, who was 3 years older than you and just graduated and moved away with his boyfriend. You decide to start walking to school, it wasn't bad of an idea to get to your first day early.

You make your walk to school, which was only about half a mile away, and enter the front doors, looking around in marvel. It was way bigger than your last school and alot nicer, and you really hoped the people were nice too.

You take a deep breath in and check your schedual and head in that direction: Literature. You absolutely loved Literature! You look around as you head to your first hour class, and(not to your surprise) the halls were quiet and empty. 

You walk into class and see the teacher who was sitting at her desk and you walked up to her with a smile, "Good morning, my name is Eri-" "Yes, Eridan Ampora. I've been expecting you," She stood up from her chair and shook your hand, "I'm Ms. Leijon~" You smiled back at her, she was probably an inch shorter than you and had long dark brown hair in a long ponytail and a green vest over a black shirt and black pants, "W-Well, it's wery nice to meet you, Ms. Leijon."

She had kindly showed you around the school and told you about everything you needed to know, and you still had about 10 minutes before class. Bring! There goes the bell, and in come the classmates. Your eyes immediately set on a girl accompanied by a taller guy.

She was so beautiful...

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