Eridan Ampora 2

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Everything, absolutely everything rushes back to you in that moment your eyes meet, the gaze holds you like tight gold chains, but you finally break free as everyone starts to go backstage and you follow, feeling like you could collapse at any moment. You stagger down the hallway, Christina noticing and going over to you, "Hey, what's up, Babbu?" She had always called you that since she had met you and helped you, God you loved her, in a motherly kind of way, of course, "Nothin', just saw-w someone I hawen't seen in aw-while..." She looked at you questioningly but just rubbed your shoulder with her slim fingers, "You know you can come to me for anything right, Babbu?" "Yea, I know-w I'll let you know-w if anythin' is wrong." You force a smile and put your hand on hers, "Thanks, Christina." She kissed your cheek before starting down the hall to the crew for celebration, you usually went to them but you just couldn't bear it right now. But God, she really was the best person you knew.

You make it to your dressing room and fall into your chair, your eyesight starting to fail you. You feel your chest and your heart is thumping quickly, your hands shaking and your face pale. W-Why are you gettin' so w-worked up over this? He's just a person, just a person that fuckin' made you miserable! You snarl and dig your nails into your chest where your heart is, you never wanted to see him again, and when you say never, you mean never.

You sit there for a couple minutes before getting up and going behind a curtain to change into your normal clothes, throwing on a black long sleeved V-neck shirt over a white tank top and purple skinny jeans, along with a black leather jacket your elder brother had given you. You fucking love the color purple, you have no idea why, you just do. You slip the jacket off and put it on the chair, sitting on top of it and grabbing your makeup removal and applying it, the stage makeup was really enhanced for better show on the stage, and it was just too much for you.

Your heart nearly stops as you hear a knock at the door, you sigh and continue removing the makeup, "Come in, it's unlocked." As soon as you see that one person, that one very important person walk through the door, your whole body freezes, eyes widening. You were hoping it wasn't going to be him, anyone but him. He shuts the door and takes a step inside, "Uh, hey." Suddenly your shock turns to anger of what he did to you, "W-What do you want?" Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh. Actually no, it fuckin' w-wasn't. "I jutht wanted to tell you how good you did out there, I didn't know you danthed for Chrithtina?" Oh no he didn't! You and Christina worked together you had the best relationship! There is no way either of you would choose a superior! "W-With. I dance w-with Christina." "Erm, right."

You finish your makeup removal, feeling the tenseness in the atmosphere and get up, throwing your, god you love purple, purple scarf on, along with your jacket, collecting your stuff, and facing him, holding back a death glare, "So w-what brought you here anyw-ways?" You raise an eyebrow at him and hope it wasn't because you were in it, but in the bottom deepest part of your heart you really wish it was. "Oh, you know, KK dragged me here." You lean back a little in dismay, and in a bit in relief, "I see," you try to change the subject quickly, "w-well w-where is he?" He chuckles awkwardly, yet adorably, "He kinda ditched me for thome other guyth." You nod and then turn around to leave, "W-Well I need to get goin' so if you'll excuse me.." You make your escape out the back door, going out of the alley that the door had led to.

You try to ignore the cry to you, "Hey, wait!" But you just have to get him off your back, "Jutht let me ek-thplain." You walk on, "Explain w-what? There's nothin' to explain." Maybe if you just pretend like nothing happened, like you always fucking do, it'll dissapear. "Come on, ED, thith hath to be thettled one time or another, I know what I did wrong.." You clench your eyes shut to make sure the tears don't escape to roll down your cheeks, "Honestly, Sol, I hawe no idea w-what you're ewen talkin' abou-" "ED, pleathe jutht let me take you out for thupper or thomething tomorrow tho we can get thith thettled." That is it. "Sol just fuckin' drop it!!" You jolt around and finally let out the glare you've been holding back, the death glare everyone hated to see, "I don't w-want to talk about it, period! Just go home, stop follow-win' me!" you shoot him one more feirce snarl before running off before you broke down right there and then, you just had to get out of there. Now.

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