Eridan Ampora 6

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"Man, that really hit the thpot." You chuckle softly and sip your Diet Coke and lean back, "Yea it really did," you smile, "thanks." "Yea... No problem." You close your eyes and sigh, smiling softly for a couple minutes. You look over when you see Sollux getting up and coming over to you, "Ready to head out?" You get up and throw your coat on and take his hand, lifting yourself up. You both walk out, you feeling a bit of tension in your stomach.

You keep walking and you, being as oblivious as you are, don't notice the very frequent stares he gave you. You shifted your hands in your pockets and the frost nipping at your nose. You both arrive at a park, and you really had no idea idea why.

"Hey, ED?"

"Yes, Sol?"

You watch Sollux sit down on the bench and he looks up at you, "Look, I'm thorry for what I did... Ith there any pothible way I could make it right agan?" You stare at hiim wide-eyed and shocked. He stands up and stands infront of you, taking both of your frozen hands with his, which were surprisingly warm, "Pleathe, ED..." You grip his hands and look down at your feet, "...I...." You shut your eyes tightly before looking up at him with a pained and stressed expression, "I'm afraid it can never be fixed." You see him look down sadly and you just about turn to leave but before you could even move, he kisses you.

You really couldn't believe what was happening, you had wished for this moment for... No, absolutely not. You had to stop this. You break the kiss, puffing and gripping onto his jacket arms,  "S-Sollux..." He wipes a stray piece of hair from your face and kisses you again. 

After the helpless make-out session, he walks you home with his hand on yours and him pulling you close. You finally make it back to your apartment. You turn around and release your hand from his with your back on the door, "W-Well..." He keeps his eyes on you, "Well?" You look down, "Uhm, thanks for the meal..." You look back up at him, feeling your way to your doorknob, "I guess," you stealthfully turn the knob, "I hope you," you open the door about a couple inches, "Have a great life."

You slip into your apartment and shut the door, locking it immediately.

You slide your back down the door and look up at the cieling. 

Why did it have to come to this?

You never want to see him again.

Now you won't.

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