Eridan Ampora 15

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You sit there for nearly 2 hours, having fallen asleep. You get up and wipe the tears from your cheeks and go to the bathroom to clean the eyeliner that had been stained on with your tears. You wash your face and look yourself in the eyes through the reflection in the mirror, it's not w-worth it anymore, is it?

You go to the kitchen and make yourself something to eat since they never fed you what you needed to be fed daily. You make yourself some iced tea and sit on the couch, switching the television channel to the news; you liked to know what was going on in the world. You eat your food as you watch, more about how gay marriage is legal in this many states and another school shooting and such. It was always the same except one thing was different this time; they played your phone's ring tone during a special broadcast. Well, your old phone... They had stripped you of your privileges of using it. And by them you mean the assholes who kept you hostage and Christina... You never knew a soft tender heart could turn cruel to you.

The ringtone soon ceases and you listen questionably for it again and come to realize it hadn't come from the broadcast, as it was still on. You set your meal aside and scan the room for any traces of where it could possibly be coming from. 

After a couple minutes of searching, you go to put your bags beneath your bed since you had finally given up on your pointless search. You hear a soft thump onto the light coloured carpeted floor and look over. Could it be? They must have dropped it in your suitcase by accident! You scatter to it and open it, it had 2 bars of battery left but you intended for it to last. 

You scan it over to see you had 586, 1,265 missed calls, and 823 voicemails. You put your hand on your head from the severe shock and look through the missed calls, most from either Sollux, Cronus, Kankri, or Karkat. You look at your messages and start from the bottom, leading up to the one you had just heard signal a new text.

'Sol, please help me!!!'

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