Eridan Ampora 16

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You stare at your phone, your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. You thought that he might be your only chance of escaping this nightmare. That was.... If he messaged you back. There was a pause until your phone started going off. You jumped and as jumpy as you were it wouldn't have been hard to make you jump anyways. You look around quickly before answering the call with the small click of a green panel.

You wait for him to speak first, to make sure it was really him.

"ED? ED ith that you??" 

The sound of his voice. It was him. Sollux Captor and... You couldn't believe it. You broke and you started sobbing, putting the phone beside you and keeping your hand over your mouth in astonishment.

"ED? ED pleathe anthwer me!"

You pick up your phone again and, through the sobs which you tried to suppress, spoke happily, "Sol.... It's you... It's really you!" You soon held back the sobs, just happy as fuck to hear your love's voice again. 

"Eridan! Where are you!? I need to thee you! I'll run all the way to Wathshington if i have to!"

Your happy expression faded and you looked down to your feet, holding the phone to your ear still and spoke somberly, "You... You can't..."

You held the phone away from your ear at his sudden outburst, as if his lisps were there, spouting saliva at you. "What the hell do you mean I can't!? I'll break through a thouthand fucking wallth if I have to!"

You fell silent... You looked down to the floor, as you could see your shadow in front of you as the sun fell to become victim to the night. You whispered, aware that you could be caught at any given moment, "I'm being held captive."

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