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Tokagawa: Akira.. That wasn't nice.. Nagisa was nothing but nice to you, why couldn't you at least try to be civil

Akira huffed: You know I don't like humans, other than you and Maron, besides, have you forgotten that I'm not a human, but an ancient beast

He frowned, she was referring to what some humans had called her before, sometimes the way she'd get agitated made her seem cute, because usually a powerful creature like her would destroy the offender. He knew she only held herself from doing it for his sake, before his time, he was told that she'd at least scared her offenders to death, but he didn't like her referring to it like this, she really was upset, and he had no idea why..

He sighed: You know what I mean.. Nagisa.. She means a lot to me. I would appreciate it if you at least tried

Akira: Fine..

She morphed and flew away, she couldn't get far, but right now, she wanted to be alone for a bit

Maron: Tokagawa..

Tokagawa: Mother, how have you been?

His mother was a beauty, and a compassionate loving person to boot, she looked extremely young for her age, Tokagawa took entirely after her, to the dismay of his paternal relatives

Maron: I've been well, my son.. What about you?

She smiled: I see a shine in your eyes, you've met someone, a girl..

He blushed slightly: Nothing ever gets past you..

She laughed, a sound like tinkling bells: A mother can tell these things, but I can see you look troubled as well, what is it?

Tokagawa: Akira.. She really didn't seem to like her, or even try to be civil, even though Nagisa was nothing but nice to her

Maron sighed sadly, it was no secret to her, how Akira felt about her son: You know Akira doesn't like people in general and doesn't take well to strangers

He nodded

Maron: But who is this Nagisa you are talking about, might as well know something about the young woman that has captured my son's eye

He smiled, and recounted her merits to his mother

Maron smiled affectionately at him: She sounds like a wonderful young woman, but as you should know, being a priestess makes it even harder for Akira to like her, a priest did trick her and bound her to the emperial family against her will

Tokagawa: But it's been centuries, and we are nothing but good to her, she's like family!

His mother cupped his cheek: She's an ancient being, centuries are but a little time to her, she's a powerful creature, was used to being free, mistress of her ownself, and suddenly she was tricked by a human, someone deemed inferior to her by her own race, to be bound for all eternity, to lose her freedom, and be slave to those mere humans, that treated her as nothing but a pawn. Wouldn't you be angry and bitter for a long time, if this has happened to you?

He sighed, nodding

Maron: Just give her time, she's different from before, I've seen her, when I married your father.. Let's just say she's much better now.. If your Nagisa is half the great woman you described, she would have to accept her, eventually. Just be patient, Akira can be really stubborn

He smiled sadly: Yeah..

When Akira returned, he behaved like nothing had happened, and she relaxed, if only for a little bit

A couple of days later..

Tokagawa: Akira, I'm going to the shrine again, are you coming?

She wasn't eager to meet Nagisa, but she didn't want him to meet her alone either, so she sighed but agreed to go

She watched their greetings with envy, he was never that happy to see her, granted, they were never away for long, but still..

She was sure his eagerness to meet the beautiful girl had nothing to do with how much time they have been apart

Nagisa greeted her and bowed again, to which she replied to, again, with a stiff nod

She saw Tokagawa sigh and rub the space between his eyes

The girl looked like she wanted to ask her questions, something Akira wanted to avoid, she didn't want to snap at her, it wouldn't help her case with Tokagawa..

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