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Kai zoomed to the head of patrol, tackling him to the ground, while Tokagawa and Nagisa fussed over his victim and the terrified woman

Akira ran out of the house, trying to trace the spiritual power. It didn't take her far

By the time the others caught up to her, she had lost the trace completely

Kai: Did you find anything?

Akira sighed: This one seems smart and powerful. I could only sense a small trace, which has vanished, I presume, when our guy hit the floor, unconscious

Tokagawa's lips formed a grim line: Does this mean we have to wait till another person gets posessed?!

Kai sighed: I'm afraid so

Tokagawa punched a wall nearby: What are we here for if not to protect them? Can't we do anything?!

Nagisa put her hand on his shoulder, and in a pleading voice said: Calm down, Tokagawa. We will think of something

The duo left together, Nagisa still trying to make him feel better

Akira caught a glimpse of a reluctant smile at the young priestess. It was fleeting, but a smile none the less. Nagisa had called him Tokagawa.. She has always only called him your highness, but now she used his name. This only meant they were getting even closer

Akira was watching them as they walked away, lost in thought

Kai was watching her, a worried frown on his handsome features

That night, when they went to bed, she stayed awake

Nearing dawn, Kai approached her: You didn't sleep

Akira: I wasn't tired

Kai: You were waiting for the next attack, weren't you?

She didn't answer, nor even look at him

He sighed: I know you are doing it for him, but you need to get some rest

She turned slightly towards him, her eyes stubborn

His own eyes softened and he smiled: You do want to get this spirit, don't you? And you need your strength to do that

Akira: You talk to me as if I was some child

He chuckled, and she smiled, once upon a time, she would have gotten mad and lashed at him, but now.. When did he start becoming a friend, and such a good one, she wondered

While they were sitting there, idly, they both suddenly felt an ominous energy floating

They exchanged glances and launched at the source

There stood a little girl, blood running down her temple, her eyes glazed over, and the creepiest smile they had ever seen, etched upon her supposedly innocent face

She was standing over her terrified mother, who was already wounded, holding a rock with jagged edges

Akira whispered: Distract her while I track the energy

He nodded, then approached the child, clearing his throat

Akira had already disappeared

The little girl turned towards him, looked at him, her face blank, then just turned around to continue her "task"

He cursed under his breath. It was way too easy to knock her out, but they needed her up and about

So he attacked her with the power of a mere human

She growled at him, aiming her weapon at his abdomen. He evaded everytime she did it, hoping Akira would find the source fast. This posessed girl was stronger than a grown man and he was running out of options, besides knocking her out

Akira could feel the trace of energy. It was so sinister it made her feel cold, hopeless. As she neared the source, those feelings would grow stronger, thicker. The air became opressive

It led her towards a clearing, there stood a human looking woman, with small horns on her head

Akira could see wisps of energy, reaching towards the town

Akira: So it's you then, the one that's causing all this corruption

She turned towards her, smiling gleefully: Well, who do we have here? A guest! I've been so lonely

Akira glared at her: Why are you doing this?

She pouted: I was hungry

Akira: You feed on negative energy.. But why kill humans? Ruining their lives wasn't enough?

She shrugged: They are humans, what do they matter? I was only having a bit of innocent fun, plus, their souls taste sooo good

She licked her lips

Akira shuddered

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