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After Akira calmed down a bit, Kai led her back to the village

The others had already gone to bed

They were both too exhausted, so they did the same, but not before she looked to the ground, embarassed, and told him in a low voice: Thanks, Kai..

It was the first time she had called him by his name. He liked hearing her say it, she kept her head bent and left, missing his smile and the twinkle in his eyes

The next morning, Akira woke up to find Tokagawa and Nagisa fussing over the survivors and the families of the deceased

Kai was there too

Before she woke up, a rumor had reached the villagers about their battle, and Tokagawa and Nagisa were questioning him about it. He wrote it off as nothing, but Tokagawa especially, didn't really believe him

When her eyes landed on Kai, Akira smiled shyly, cheeks slightly reddened. She walked up to him: Good morning, thanks again for last night, and.. I'm sorry, for what I did

He waved it off, smiling: It was nothing

She left it at that, and turning to Tokagawa and Nagisa, she delivered a curt: Good morning and left

Tokagawa and Nagisa exchanged glances, what was that about. She'd never gotten along with Kai, and now it seemed as if she liked him, and was angry with both of them, it was her usual behaviour towards Nagisa, but Tokagawa, he was trying to think if he had unwittingly said something that irked her. He could think of nothing

Kai went to her: Was that necessary?

She looked at him innocently: What?

Kai shook his head at her, smiling: You know what I mean

She shrugged: Serves him right, maybe he'd be more sensitive

Kai rubbed his face tiredly: So you haven't given up?

Akira: Honestly, I don't know. I still love him, but I know now he will never love me, so I don't know what to do or think. I was just hurt, and I'm not as good as you. I can't act all nice and happy when the one I love is so consumed by another woman

Kai: You know there are different types of love, he loves you, just not the way a man loves a woman. Give it time, you will always love him but your love for him might change

She puffed her cheeks: I know that!

He laughed: You are really cute

She blushed: Stop patronising me!

He grinned at her: I'm not, you are just too young and innocent when it comes to these things. I bet you never had a relationship before

Akira: And why would you say that? And does that mean you've had?

She arched an eyebrow at him

He smirked: It's so obvious, you are practically a fledgling. And yes, I have had countless relationships before

Akira: Hmph! Shut up wadatsumi

Her voice lacked the usual venom when she called him that

He felt he might have teased her too much. His face softened: You couldn't help it. You were still young when they did that to you. You didn't have a chance..

Her gaze dropped to the ground, he decided to change the subject: You really are strong though, for a hinotori

Akira: What's that supposed to mean?!

Kai: Nothing, except that that was a serious workout. I haven't been driven like that in centuries

Her chest puffed with pride. He laughed, she was similar to a human like this, not that it was a bad thing

Humans were fun and entertaining. That was what made him fall for Nagisa in the first time. All the mystical beings, most of them anyway, the strong ones have been just way too steady, and emotionless. Akira was different, refreshing

Tokagawa and Nagisa had been watching them for a while

Tokagwa: Don't you think Akira is beautiful?

Nagisa looked puzzled, and a bit hurt: She's gorgeous, have you just noticed her looks?

He shook his head: She's always been beautiful, but what I mean is, look at them. Don't they look good together?

Nagisa looked at them, nodding: Do you want to push them together? They are different beings

He nodded: I know, but this is the most I've seen her animated. It's good to see her like that, instead of always brooding

Nagisa smiled: You really care about her

He nodded: Yes, I've known her all my life. She's like a sibling, or cousin. You could say she's a childhood friend..

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