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Tokagawa waited for Akira to join them again, which she did

Tokagawa: Akira.. Today I realized something. I've always known that you were bound to my family against your will, but I have never really comprehended it. I was always happy you were with us, it never occurred to me how you really felt about that, and I am sorry.. I am sorry for every time I ever hurt you, wittingly or not.. AndbI am grateful for everything you ever did for my family, especially for me

Akira's heart clenched painfully in her chest, this sounded suspiciously too much like goodbye..

He continued, clearing his throat: What I am trying to say is.. In all fairness, I am going to try doing now, what my ancestors should have done centuries ago.. I here by release you from our bond

Akira felt her body tingling, there was an invisible tug at something inside her, punctuated by a faint glow surrounding her, and suddenly she felt lighter, free..

Kai: Did you know before you could release her?

Tokagawa: Honestly.. It never occurred to me to even try, Akira had always been there, and I didn't think. I am so sorry Akira. I should have thought about it sooner

Kai: Then how?

Tokagawa replied: Once I thought about it, it made sense that I would be able to do it, Nagisa thought so too

Akira was still frozen in shock

Tokagawa: Akira.. You are free.. I will no longer rob you of your freedom, or make you endanger your life for me, or anyone

Akira didn't know what to do, for centuries, being free was her only wish, but now that she was, she didn't know if that was what she really wanted anymore..

At any rate, Tokagawa gave her the greatest gift he could think of, her freedom.. Maybe she should go away, at least for a while, it will help her get over him..

Was that what he wanted though, for her to go away, perhaps her feelings had finally been realized, and he wanted her to stop having them or something

She looked at him, her eyes red rimmed, and he nodded

He looked equally sad, his eyes filled with tears: Goodbye Akira..

She only nodded, she couldn't speak, if she had, he tears would have fallen

Nagisa's eyes geared up as well, she had come to like Akira, despite everything: Thank you, and goodbye..

Kai smiled at her sadly: Till we meet again..

She tried to smile at them.. then with one last look, she morphed and launched into the sky

They watched her fly away..

Nagisa held Tokagawa's hand squeezing it reassuringly

A tear trickled down his cheek: I am going to miss her..

Kai: Did you release her out of gratitude, or guilt?

Nagisa gave him a reproving but tired gaze

Tokagawa still answered: I didn't want to hurt her anymore.. It seems I have done that multiple times, without realizing it. I am ashamed I just now noticed she should have been given her freedom long ago. I was just so used to having her around, a part of the family. I knew what they did was wrong, and yet.. It just didn't cross my mind that she might still want her freedom back

Kai nodded, and clapped him on his shoulder: It's alright your Highness, I am certain she was happiest with you, and didn't think of herself as imprisoned

Tokagawa gave him a weak smile

Kai: Now.. We should get you back home, and think about our next step

They agreed, and the three of them we're on their way back

Back at their home town, people greeted them inquiring about the result of their journey

Most were disappointed the threat still lingered, others felt scared they were next, and the head priest thought they needed more training

Everyone noticed the absense of a certain beautiful creature, but no one dared ask, except Lady Maron

When her son told her he set her free, she wasn't exactly disappointed. She told him she was proud of him, she was equally ashamed she never thought about it either, and she just wished that the timing and circumstances had been better

Others weren't as reasonable as his mother. His relatives called him foolish, he had released a great weapon, a fantastic shield. They gave him he'll, but he ignored them

They were not the only ones that thought he'd lost his mind, a lot of people, including priests, thought he had done a grave mistake, changing the course of the prophesy, how were they going to fulfill it now, with one of the key people missing

Kai and Nagisa helped him go through it

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