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Akira hadn't killed all of Matsuda's minions, some we're still alive, but now a lot of them were frightened, only a few would fight, and half of them were reluctant

Matsuda snapped: Useless!

He destroyed the hesitant and the ones who were running away

The ones left felt more motivated to fight

They charged, but the four finished them off

They had become stronger, Akira noted happily, and she felt stronger too, it was different having all her power at her disposal

Matsuda wasted no time, he hurriedly transformed and attacked

Akira again erected a shield, together with Kai, while Tokagawa and Nagisa attacked him from behind it

It wasn't working out so well

Akira whispered to them: It's not working, we need to distract him

She and Kai nodded at each other, morphing and flying towards the enemy

They managed to occupy him for a while, but they we're becoming weary faster than him

The prince and priestess were doing their best to at least stop him, chanting and focusing their energy

Their attempts were having more impacts than the previous time, but all four of them were getting tired, and the crow was trying even harder to side step his two oponnents and reach the ones who he thought we're a real threat

At first he was only angry at their audacity, mere humans we're attacking him! Then he remembered all those thousands of years ago, how a bunch of humans he underestimated had managed to seal him for such a long time. They were more than two, but these maggots actually seemed to be stronger than them, and they had the advantage of two mystical beasts on their side. He thought they were pathetic, but they were still strong

Akira and Kai begged in their minds for their two charges to finish him off and fast, but alas! It would not happen so soon

He managed to get closer to the humans, which caused their concentration to waver. Their prayers were interrupted, and they stood panting

Before he could manage to reach them, two bodies barrelled into him. It was those darned hinotori and wadatsumi..

He gathered furious winds around them, almost knocking them over

Akira was so tired, she resorted to using her flames, even if they didn't do any damage, at least they would distract him

He sent his wind at her fire, making it rage and change direction

Kai hurriedly doused it, before it got out of control

Now it was his turn to try, he summoned the water with all his might, only for Matsuda to use it, forming a hurricane and directing it at the humans

Akira panicked and blocked its path. If it hit them, they probably wouldn't survive, and they needed them alive to beat him, she didn't want them to get hurt, she promised to protect them

Kai had the same idea she did, but when he flew next to her, she angrily shoved him towards the humans. They were vulnerable, he would attack them any time

He argued that if the hurricane hit him, he had the best chance to survive, amongst them

She shoved him again, saying there was no time, he was angry at her, but he had to move fast, she wasn't nudging, and Matsuda almost reached them

Akira calmed her flames. A hinotori was almost always surrounded by fire, but she did her best to stay calm and collected, willing the flames to subside

The hurricane claimed her body, and she whirled into it. She was dizzy and disoriented, but she managed to reach the center where it was calmer

She willed her flames to rise, heating her body and drying it. With all her power, she let the flames rage in all directions

It took a lot out of her, but she succeeded. The hurricane was no more, and she was there, tired but triumphant

She looked at them, finding Matsuda's huge form, fighting Kai's serpentine body

Kai looked battered and bruised, and her heart clenched

She could tell he was about to collapse so was she

They had to do something, at least wear him down. Maybe then the others will be able to finish him off

She launched towards the massive beasts, joining the fray

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