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Akira returned to her group, she was shaken, but tried her best to appear calm, and act as if nothing had happened

She was relieved none of them noticed his aura, she didn't want them to know that he'd talked to her, what he proposed, but at the same time, them not noticing only gave more evidence of his strength, he could mask his power extremely well when he wanted, this made him even more dangerous, he could attack anytime and they wouldn't have time to prepare

The others noticed how distant and distracted she seemed, despite her efforts. She might have fooled Nagisa, and Tokagawa might have been a tad preoccupied with a lovely priestess to notice, but Kai was fully aware of the change

They mostly thought it was nerves getting a hold of her, but he wasn't convinced. He even tried to ask, but she only gave evasive answers. He sighed, he was sad she seemed to distance herself

They could see the constant tension, the anticipation. It made them tensed as well. She did tell them to prepare to be attacked at any possible moment, but when they looked at her a bit funny, she just insisted. They obliged, better safe than sorry

Akira avoided going anywhere alone. What he had proposed, the only thing tempting about it was that she would be free from her bond with the Imperial family, but then again, she would be his slave, at his mercy, now that, wasn't appealing what so ever. She wasn't planning to take him up on his offer, and yet something still told her not to tell them about it. She was scared, for some reason..

It took them some days to explore. They knew he was close, but could never find him. This frustrated her companions, but made her somewhat relieved

Her luck didn't last long, he had come..

They were sitting down, resting but alert, when they suddenly found a man standing before them

They looked at him, perplexed, and Akira froze in fear

Matsuda: What, no greeting? After all this searching?

He arched a brow

Kai stepped forward, if Akira could move, she would have grabbed his arm to pull him back

Kai: Are you the master of wind?

He smirked, then looked at Akira: You didn't tell them about me, does that mean you have a favorable answer for me?

Akira still couldn't move

They turned at her, their expressions ranging from horror to disbelief

Tokagawa: Akira?

Nagisa: Please tell us that's not true..

Kai: What did he tell you?

Matsuda smiled, it was the smile of a predator: I proposed she join me, the winning party, and abandon your pathetic groups, humans and a pet wadatsumi, what a joke

They looked at her again

She was finally able to move a bit, and she dropped her gaze to the ground

Tokagawa looked like he had been stabbed through the heart: Akira? Is that true?

She nodded, and he stumbled. Nagisa steadied him

Matsuda's smile widened: So, what is your answer, my lovely little bird?

She murmured something they couldn't hear

He cupped his ear, mocking her: I cannot hear you, speak up

She cleared her throat, finally lifting her gaze to meet his. Her eyes were full of fire: I will not join you. I will not betray them

Tokagawa said in a low weak voice: Why haven't you told us

She swallowed: I - I was scared..

He screamed: Of what?!

She was going to say something but Kai interrupted: Now is not the time! We have a more urgent matter to worry about

Nagisa caught Tokagawa's attention: Kai is right. We need to focus, get a hold of yourselves!

They nodded

Matsuda laughed: As entertaining as this little show is, I have some places to conquer

He turned to leave

Kai: Not so fast!

He smiled again: What are you going to do? You don't stand a chance. I suggest you leave, while I am in s generous mood to spare your lives. I will not kill you, at least for now, if you leave

Tokagawa: Not a chance

He smirked: Fools, what can you do against me, when you couldn't even detect I was here

Nagisa: We will defeat you, or die trying

He laughed like a crazy man: How bravely idiotic. But I don't have time for this. You are going to have to get through my servants first

He motioned with his hand, and a huge army of spirits and demons surrounded them from every direction

When they looked where he was, Matsuda had disappeared

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