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Akira and Kai rammed repeatedly into Matsuda, yet he was still holding up just fine, trying to push them with his wind. This made it harder for them to fight against him

As the three great beasts fought, the weather worsened, dark cloudsb gathered and thunder clapped. It was as if nature itself got disturbed by their hectic battle

They we're both breathing heavily, and tried to use magic against him

It wouldn't work so well, they were minutes to give away..

Kai: How is it going with you Nagisa?

Nagisa: We need more time and energy!

Matsuda laughed evilly upon hearing this: Give up you fools, you heard what she said. You are going to lose anyway, why torture yourselves?

Kai: Never! We will not surrender to your. There is still hope

Matsuda snorted

Akira felt a bit relieved by Kai's determination

She was thinking about what Nagisa said. What if they could lend their human friends their power? Would it then be enough for them to defeat him? She wasn't sure, but it was worth a shot

She willed Kai to listen to her, speaking through a mind link, hoping the crow wouldn't be able to listen: Kai, what if we gave them the energy they needed?

Kai: You mean passing our spiritual power to them? It could work.. But it's dangerous. That's too much power and they might not be able to handle it, not to mention that if we fail, we will have nothing left, we will be as good as dead

Akira: Do you have any better idea? Right now this is our only hope

Kai sighed: You are right

Akira: I'll distract him and you go tell them to get ready

He wanted to protest, but she cut him off: I'm very angry right now, which gives me a boost, don't worry about me and just go

He nodded, and hurriedly dipped to the ground, telling Tokagawa and Nagisa the plan. They agreed, even though he made sure they knew the risks

Akira was attacking Matsuda with her beak, he was laughing at her, dodging it every time

Matsuda: Such a spirited little thing you are. Such a pity.. You would have made a delightful pet

She screeched at him, this only made him laugh harder

Kai suddenly roared: Now!

She understood, stopped in place and fell to the ground like a shooting star, making Matsuda confused..

Kai and Akira gathered all their spiritual powers, pouring them into their friends, a warm golden light rushing from Akira to Tokagawa and a cold silver light flowed from Kai to Nagisa

The two felt rejuvenated, energized. It was so overwhelming. They felt so powerful they could do anything

Akira and Kai stood there, defenseless while their charges recharged from them

Matsuda grew very angry. He knew there was something going on he needed to stop

He attacked the other mystical beasts, while they stood, rooted to the ground, forming a barrier between their friends and him

Nagisa and Tokagawa chanted and prayed, moving fluidly

It took them several minutes, allowing Matsuda to knock into Kai and Akira

As they were knocked down, the two finished their prayers, a maginificent force striking the great crow, flinging him back

Matsuda: Nooo!!!

And just like that, with the blink of an eye, as the mountain itself groaned, the great master of wind, the crow that terrorized the lands was gone, only a faint breeze in his wake

Tokagawa and Nagisa sagged to the ground, panting. The wind was knocked from them. With the thrill of victory, they momentarily forgot about their companions

They remembered suddenly, rushing to the two. They we're lying on the ground, unconscious yet breathing

The humans breathed sighs of relief

After the two woke up, they we're still worn, but not to the degree from they couldn't talk to their friends and take them back home

Tokagawa and Nagisa thanked them profusely. The two just waved them off, exchanging happy smiles, revelling in the fact that they had gotten rid of their adversary

Everyone was happy, particularly the head priest, who was ecstatic he lived the fulfillment of the prophecy

He wanted to get their help for another assignment sometime, but they refused..

The spirits had already crawled back into hiding, forfeiting the field. Japan was at peace, at least for now..

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