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They kept trying the same method for a couple of days, finding what they deemed weak demons, not worth the effort

They didn't find anything useful, but the villagers were grateful. The rest of the demons have fled, after they killed a few

They caught wind of more urgent complains in the next village, an old man told them he heard of missing children and older people when he went to visit some family

They decided to go there and investigate

The villagers told them that it only happened on a night of a full moon, someone would wake up the next day to find someone missing, either a small child, or an old person. Some people claimed they even whitnessed the disappearances and the missing people just got up and left, unresponding when someone called for them to stop, seeming as if in a daze

The group visited a few of the houses where people disappeared from

They met their families, which were devastated, especially the mothers. Nagisa couldn't keep her tears from falling

The villagers were frightened, everyone believing their family was next

Akira: I believe we should split, Tokagawa and.. Nagisa, should purify and set wards on the houses, while we follow the trail of spiritual power. You should look for other priests to assist you as well. There are so many places that need protecting

Tokagawa and Nagisa both nodded at her, taking off to perform their task

Kai: That was a good idea, but you are aware you just sent them both together as a team, I thought you wanted to seperate them

Akira: It couldn't be helped, Tokagawa would be more useful there. This time it's different, people's lives are at the stake

Kai: I'm glad you care

Akira: I don't, but Tokagawa does

Kai: Do you do everything with him in mind?

Akira: I'm certain you do the same for your priestess, so spare me, Wadatsumi

Kai: Why don't you just say my name? You say that like it was a curse, but I am a wadatsumi, just as you are a hinotori

Akira: We better start investigating, once they start purifying we won't have a trail to follow

He sighed at her but followed

They found that the residue of spiritual powers was condensed in a certain area near the woods

They had instructed Tokagawa and Nagisa to leave a couple of houses unprotected, and one of the priests to sit there as decoy, pretending to be an old person

Nagisa volunteered for the job, much to the chagrin of Tokagawa, but she was the best choice, having more spiritual powers than all the priests combined

It was Kai's turn to create an illusion, so she'd look and feel like an old lady

The illusion was so powerful, even Tokagawa started believing it

Akira hid in the trees, and waited

Some time, after the chubby full moon lighted the vicinity, Nagisa began hearing a seductively beautiful voice: Come to me.. I'm waiting.. I want you

Nagisa felt as if compelled to go, she barely held on, but others from the unwarded houses weren't so lucky

They saw them walking with their faces blank, heading for the woods

They weren't exactly from the same age group the usual victims were from, but apparently the culprit would take what it could get

They tackled some of the sleepwalking people to the ground

Akira told them to leave a few standing, they would lead them to the one responsible, and he or she wouldn't get suspicious

They wanted to protest, but Kai had to agree with her, they needed at least one victim walking

Nagisa exclaimed: Then we are going with you to protect and save the people

Kai wanted to protest, she gave him a determined look, and he sighed resignedly. When she was determined, there was no stopping her

Akira looked at Tokagawa, he could see the argument coming, he shook his head. She sighed

Both mystical beings exchanged an amused but exasperated smile

Off to the woods they go, the people weren't even walking fast, some even looked wobbly on their feet, as if they were drunk

They followed them, to the heart of the woods

The trees had naturally formed some sort of shelter, and they saw the humans walking inside

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