chapter four

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Mitch is missing.

Well, that's a lie.

He's missing to Scott.

Ever since their little coffee get-together, Mitch seemed to disappear.

Scott's tried texting him, but Mitch hasn't responded.

He's tried going to his house using the address Mitch gave him on the day of the coffee get-together, but he wasn't there.

He's even tried calling him.

But Mitch is nowhere to be found.

Now, Scott could just drop it and pretend that Mitch wasn't interested or something, but Scott can't but feel worried.

Mitch had seemed really scared when Scott last saw him, and Scott can't get that stupid feeling of dread to go away.

He dismisses it as him being delirious, but he's still worried.

What if something happened to him?

What if he's dead?

Scott quickly pushes that thought away, taking in the unlikeliness of that statement.

But still.

What if?

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