chapter twenty one

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Mitch wakes up to the door opening, and he sits up, wincing as his back cracks multiple times. He rolls his neck in an effort to get rid of the kink, realizing he slept on the couch. He scowls at his stupidity, but his thoughts are interrupted by a voice.

"Hi, Mitchie. I'm sorry I didn't make it back last night. Allie insisted on me spending the night at his house. I tried to text you but my phone died," Scott says, his words rushed and guilty. Mitch stares at him sleepily for a few seconds before shaking his head and carefully making his way over to the blonde, wrapping his arms around Scott's torso and resting his head against Scott's chest. He closes his eyes again, a small and soft smile on his lips.

"Do — do you forgive me?" Scott's voice is small and scared. Mitch nods against his chest, and Scott breathes a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around Mitch's waist. "Thank God. I was worried you'd hate me." Mitch smiles up at Scott, gently pulling away to grab his notepad.

I couldn't hate you even if I tried, Hoying.

Scott grins, patting Mitch's head and ignoring the glare Mitch sends his way. "I'm glad."

The pair is just about to settle down on the couch for a movie and cuddle session when Scott's phone buzzes, and he glances at it, slightly annoyed.

Allie: hey can we meet for ice cream? I want to talk to you

Noodle: can it wait? Mitchie and I are cuddling :3

Allie: use protection

Noodle: I said cuddling

Allie: I know ;) but seriously can we? It's important.

Noodle: alright fine but I'm blaming you

Allie: fair enough. See you soon <3

Noodle: you too :)

Scott sighs, shutting his phone off and stuffing his pocket. Mitch watches him as he gets up and grabs his keys, his eyes confused. "I'm sorry, Mitchie, but Alex wants to talk. I'll be back soon and we can finish our movie, okay? I'm sorry," Scott says, feeling guiltier by the second. Mitch hesitates, but nods, plastering a smile on his face.

Of course. Have fun.


Scott pushes his sweaty hair out of his eyes and walks inside the ice cream parlor, scanning the booths for Alex. He spots him sitting in one in the corner of the shop, sipping a milkshake and a slight smile on his lips. Scott grins at the sight of him and hurries over, sliding into the booth across from him.

"Alright, I'm here. What did you want to talk about?"

Alex glances over at him, smirking slightly. "Hello to you, too."

"My best friend is waiting for me to return on the couch, Alex. Hurry up." Scott sounds annoyed, and he sort of is, but Alex knows he's not doing it on purpose. Scott has sacrificed a lot of time with Mitch to be with Alex, and Alex doesn't want to keep him away much longer.

"Alright, alright. I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my boyfriend?"

Scott states at him blankly for a few seconds before the words sink in and he breaks into a smile, leaning over the table to peck Alex on the lips. Alex laughs, making it kind of hard, but they make it work.

"Is that a yes?"

"It's an 'absolutely'."

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