chapter eleven

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Let's play a game

I sound like I'm from Saw lol (aw that poor man is drowning)


This is really random but I want to see if you guys can guess who writes each chapter

Right now it's Ansley (hey friends)

But next chapter I want you to tell me who you think it is

You can also do it on the chapters that the author (me or Mariana) didn't say who wrote it

Enjoy the chapter :)


Mitch sits on his bed, his notebook open next to him and an empty staff on his lap. He's copying the music from his notebook onto the staff, a tedious but necessary process.

Mitch has been doing it for a couple hours now, and his hand aches, but he perseveres, determined to get the finished song to Scott within two days.

Normally it would take him about a week to finish copying the music, but Mitch wants to have it ready for Scott as soon as possible.

Mitch feels his eyes droop and his hand go slightly limp, but he forces his eyes open and glances at the clock on his phone: 2:34 a.m. Mitch arches his back, hearing it pop a couple times, and grabs his notebook and staff and moves to his desk.

There, he continues to copy the music for a few more hours until eventually his body can't take it anymore and he falls asleep.


Scott: hi is this Alex?

Scott frowns slightly at his phone, hoping it is.

Scott: it's me, Scott. you know, the guy from that club?

Scott smiles as he sees the three dots appear on the left side of the screen, indicating Alex typing out a reply.

Alex: oh hi :)

Alex: yes it is I

Scott: thank god I was worried I was going to have to deal with an old lady wondering how I got her number

Alex: well I'm practically an old lady already so

Scott: cougar

Alex: shut up

Scott: hey, your words not mine

Scott: anyway, I texted because I was wondering if you'd like to do something sometime

Alex: you're really great at this flirting thing aren't you

Scott: the best

Alex: sure, I'd love to XD

Scott: perfect, I'm picking you up in ten

Alex: wait now

Scott: of course, idiot

Alex: fine let me get ready :)

Scott: well yeah we wouldn't want you looking "horrible" now would we

Alex: you're mean

Alex: I don't like you anymore

Scott: aw I'm sorry :(

Alex: you're lucky you're cute ;)

Alex: here's my address

Scott smiles, copying the address into his notes and leaving Alex to get ready as he grabs his guitar and strums a few chords, mumbling nonsense lyrics.

"My best friend's name is Mitch
He is not hitched
He doesn't speak but he writes
Beautiful songs, some with spite."

He chuckles a little, smiling as he thinks of his current best friend.

Scott is starting to think that Kirstie has just moved in with her boyfriend because she's hardly around. Scott doesn't mind, though. He likes being alone. It helps him get his thoughts together.

Five minutes later, Scott leaves for Alex's house.

Alex bounds outside as soon as he sees Scott's car pull up, a big smile on his face. "Hey, boyfriend," he says as he gets in the car, and Scott chuckles a little, raising an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?" Alex looks at him, smiling even wider. "This is a date, right?"

"Well, I mean, if you want it to be —"

"Great," Alex says, fixing his hair in the mirror, "then boyfriend it is." Scott chuckles again, dropping the subject. "Alrighty then."

They pull up to a small breakfast café, Scott quickly getting out first and pulling the door open for Alex. Alex rolls his eyes at him while a smile plays on his lips, playfully shoving Scott out of the way. Scott laughs and closes the door, quickly hurrying in after him.

The two chat and really get to know each other, staying at the restaurant for hours until Scott realizes that he has a gig he needs to get to. They part, waving goodbye and promising to get together with the other again soon.

As Scott hurries back to his car and rushes home, his mind stays on Alex. Scott can already feel himself falling hard. He laughs to himself shaking his head.

You fall in love so easily, Hoying.

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