chapter ten

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True to his word, Scott knocks on Mitch's door ten minutes later, slightly nervous. He's paranoid that Mitch might've given him the wrong address on accident, but he works up the courage to knock.

Mitch opens the door, his bright smile slightly forced. Scott doesn't notice, though, a smile forming on his lips as well. "Hi!" he says enthusiastically, and Mitch chuckles, moving aside for Scott to come in.

Want something to drink?

"Geez, what are you trying to do, poison me? I'm only here to hear your song," Scott jokes, and Mitch fakes a pout. His beautiful blue eyes twinkling, Scott nods. "Yeah, sure. I'd like a drink. Coffee, please?" It's Mitch's turn to nod, going into the kitchen after showing one last note to Scott.

Go ahead and wait for me in the piano room. That's the third door down on the left.

Scott nods again and starts heading in that direction.

The dull clanking noise from the kitchen slowly gets quieter and quieter as Scott moves away from it. He passes an open door and briefly glances inside, just to see if it's the said piano room, but instead of a piano there's a bed that looks like it hasn't been used in years. Scott frowns to himself. Is this Mitch's bedroom? With a quick glance in the direction of the kitchen to make sure Mitch isn't coming, he carefully sneaks inside.

Pictures line the walls, most of them containing two people. Scott's frown deepens when he recognizes Mitch as one of them.

He's smiling widely, looking the happiest Scott has ever seen him. On his left side is a man a couple years older than Scott, smiling lovingly down at Mitch. Scott doesn't like the look of his stormy gray eyes, how the man's smile doesn't light them up like it does with Mitch's warm brown ones.

On his other side stands a man with bright green eyes and dark curly hair, his smile even wider than Mitch's. Scott likes the look of this one much better. He seems, just from what Scott can tell from the picture, like he cares about Mitch very much.

Scott is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't notice Mitch appear behind him, tears already brimming in his eyes and two shaking coffee cups in his hand. He does notice, however, when Mitch pokes him with the coffee cup. Scott whirls around, not seeing how Mitch flinches away, and relaxes when he lays eyes on Mitch. "Sorry, I, uh, thought this was the piano room at first but then I got distracted with the pictures," he explains, taking a sip of his coffee. Mitch nods curtly, quickly grabbing Scott's hand and pulling him out of there. Before Scott even knows what happened, the door to the room is shut and locked.

"Okay," Scott laughs nervously, "I'm guessing you didn't want me in there. Sorry." Mitch just nods again, wiping away his unshed tears.

Okay. I'll play the piece for you and you'll just have to sight-read. Can you do that?

Scott scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully. "Of course I can do that, Mitchell." Mitch smiles slightly, but it still doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Come on, then. Let's get down to business.

Mitch seats himself at the piano, resting his fingers on the appropriate keys before looking up at Scott. Scott positions himself behind Mitch, and Mitch can barely hear him mumble, "To defeat the Huns." Mitch hides his smile and opens the notebook to the correct page, waiting for Scott to get situated before he begins to play. Scott waits as Mitch plays the introduction, already liking the sound of the music. Eventually, he opens his mouth and begins to sing.

"Searching for change and opportunity
If you believe in what you wanna see
One day your pain will be your blessing
In every fall's a lesson
Face the insecurity

'Cause everyone feels it, knows it
Tries not to show it
Search for the lion inside yourself
The universe is here to own
Let your place in the world
Be a place you can go

We're all made of stars
We're all made of dreams
Just use your spirit and heart
You can go where you want, do what you like
Be who you wanna be."

Mitch stops playing, smiling widely. Scott smiles as well. "I love it! That's definitely at least $3,000." Mitch tries to hide his blush, but fails, and Scott smirks. "So, Mitchiemoo, what's this one called?"

Mitchiemoo? Really?

"Answer the question, Mitchiemoo."

Stars. I'm not totally done yet, though.

"It looks pretty complete to me." Scott's eyes scan over the rest of the music that they hadn't sang because Scott already got a feel for it.

Yeah, but unless you have a piano it's going to be pretty hard to play piano chords on a guitar.

Scott grins. "Why does everyone assume I play the guitar?"

Don't you?

"Well, yeah, but I also play the piano."

Of course you do.

Scott grins again, sticking his tongue out at Mitch. Mitch rolls his eyes with a smile on his face, standing up and maneuvering himself out from behind the piano bench.

Well, I'm going to have to copy the music anyway because you obviously can't take my notebook, so I should have it ready soon. I'll drop by when it's ready, and if you're not there I'll just set it outside. Deal?


Cool beans.

Mitch makes his way out of the room, Scott trotting after him. "Cool beans? Really?"

Don't judge me, Scottiemoo.

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