chapter thirty

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nonetheless I hope you enjoy the last chapter of kiss the boy :)


WARNING: brief mention of self-harm and a brief mention of suicide

*one year later*

Scott smiles at the still sleeping Mitch, gently brushing his fringe out of his eyes. Mitch makes a small noise in his sleep and snuggles deeper into Scott's chest, so close they're practically on top of each other.

"Mitchie," Scott sings softly, stroking Mitch's hair, "wake up, hun." Mitch opens one eye to glare at his boyfriend, his bottom lip sticking out ever so slightly in an adorable pout. Scott chuckles and bends down to kiss him, and Mitch's pout melts into a smile.

"Come on, babe. You need to get up," Scott repeats, and Mitch huffs in annoyance. However, he obeys, sitting up and immediately latching onto Scott's arm. Scott laughs and picks him up, Mitch sighing contentedly and snuggling into his chest again. Scott carries him out into the kitchen and gently deposits him into a chair, kissing his forehead. "I'll be right back." Mitch pouts but nods, and Scott smiles at him before disappearing into another room.

Scott is gone for about thirty seconds before he re-enters, carrying a small cupcake with a single candle flickering on top.

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Mitchie,
Happy birthday to you."

Scott places the cake in front of his boyfriend, kissing him on the forehead before pulling away. "Make a wish, sweetheart," he murmurs, and Mitch smiles, closing his eyes and blowing the candle out. The flame flickers and dies with a poof of smoke, and the room is silent until Scott's enthusiastic clapping fills the air. "Yay!" he cheers, and Mitch sticks his tongue out at him.

Cake for breakfast?

Scott laughs, nodding. "Why not?" Mitch shrugs and agrees, picking up a knife and going to cut the cake. However, he hesitates, his eyes focused on the blade. Scott notices and gently takes the knife from him, cutting their pieces himself. Mitch nervously leans back in his chair, subconsciously tracing the faded scars littering his arms.

Scott places the piece of cake in front of his boyfriend and takes the other for himself, sliding into the chair next to Mitch. They eat in silence.

Scott and Mitch have been dating for about a year now.

Mitch hasn't tried to kill himself or harm himself since that day when Scott asked him the question. He's been overall happier, and that makes Scott happy.

Scott introduced Kirstie to Mitch, and they instantly hit it off. Now they're all three like a family.

Nathan Smith has seemingly disappeared. They haven't heard from him since the little run in Scott had with him when Mitch tried to commit suicide the first time.

The pair is happy.

Of course, there's always Mitch's silence. Scott really wants Mitch to talk to him, but he won't pressure him. If Mitch wants to talk, he'll talk.

"So, Mitchie. Today's your birthday."

I noticed.

"I want to take you out."

Okay. When?

"Meet me downstairs at six."

What should I wear?

"Something fancy but not fancy."

Clears that right up.

"Shut up, Grassi."

Mitch grins and sticks his tongue out at him. Make me. Scott grins back and fear briefly flits across Mitch's face at his mischievous expression. "Oh, I will." He leans forward and captures Mitch's lips in a kiss.


Scott pulls Mitch along, the smaller boy struggling to keep up. Scott laughs as he almost falls, easily catching him and bringing him into his arms. "You okay?" he asks softly, and Mitch nods, breathless. Scott smiles at him and sets him on his feet again, grabbing his hand and walking along at a much better pace for both Mitch and his heart rate.

The sun is just starting to set, and Scott smiles as Mitch stares up at the multicolored sky with wonder. He bends down and kisses Mitch's nose, laughing when he scrunches it adorably. "You're cute."

I know.

Scott laughs again, squeezing Mitch's hand. Mitch smiles up at him and stands on his tiptoes to press a kiss on Scott's lips. Scott smiles too wide and accidentally breaks the kiss, but they don't mind, grabbing hands again and continuing on their way.

Scott and Mitch finally arrive at a restaurant. Mitch throws Scott a questioning look, but he just winks, following the hostess to their table.

Scott orders for Mitch and the box feels heavy in his pocket.

He waits for the right time, and soon, it comes.

Mitch rummages around in his bag, and while he's distracted, Scott slowly sinks onto one knee. Mitch looks up and immediately gasps, and Scott smiles. "Stand, please," he says softly, and Mitch slowly obeys, his hands automatically going to Scott's and tears forming in his eyes.

Happy tears.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi. We've been dating for about a year now, and I've been planning this for probably about six months of that. I wanted it to be perfect, because that's what you deserve. Anyway." Scott nervously clears his throat. "I'm in love with you. I couldn't care less about the fact that you don't speak. I think it makes you special. And I know you can, you just don't want to, and that's okay. You can talk whenever you're ready, baby.

"I think I knew you were the one when I saw you playing the piano at that party you allowed me to come to. You were just so into it, and you looked so beautiful, and it clicked. You were the one. I didn't want anyone else — only you. I hope you feel the same, because I want you to be mine forever.

"So, that brings me to the big question. Mitch, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my husband?"

Mitch smiles widely, tears still rolling off his cheeks. He instinctively reaches for his notebook, but hesitates for a moment before placing it back on the table. He nods and pulls Scott up, pressing a kiss on his lips.

They pull apart for air, the cheers of the other customers in the restaurant distant. Mitch looks into Scott's eyes, his smile never faltering.


the end

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