extra chapter #2

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Scott pulls Mitch along, a happy smile lighting up his features and his eyes dancing with excitement. Mitch trails awkwardly behind him, holding as much of Scott's stuff as he can all while trying not to fall.

They're at the carnival.

Scott is having a blast, and in all his fun, he doesn't notice how unhappy Mitch is.

Mitch's eyes are tired and shining with unshed tears. His arms are laden with drinks and bags of popcorn and prizes from the carnival games. His hands are full, one being held by Scott and the other holding their tickets.

No matter how much he wants to go home and cuddle, though, Mitch refuses to say anything.

Scott is happy.

Mitch repeats those words to himself over and over again in his attempt not to scream and cry and demand Scott takes him home.

"Oh! Look! The Ferris wheel! Come on, Mitchie, let's go on that!" Scott cries excitedly, and once again pulls Mitch off in another direction. Mitch stumbles and almost falls, but catches himself and continues on his way, biting his lip harder.

They get into the bucket thing and sit down to watch the scenery. Mitch dumps all his stuff into the empty part of the seat next to him, and Scott looks out the window, his face already shining with wonder.

While Scott's distracted, Mitch takes the time to take a breather and calm himself down with a few deep breaths. Soon, he can swallow without feeling that pesky lump in his throat, and he plasters a smile onto his lips and turns to the scenery.

With a lurch, the Ferris wheel starts to rotate, and Scott squeals excitedly. "Yay!" Despite his mood, Mitch laughs at his childishness. "You sound like a girl," he jokes, but Scott playfully hits him without looking over. This, for some reason, causes Mitch to bite his lip harder. He doesn't even want to look at me. Mitch lets out a small whimper and curls up on his seat, hiding his face so Scott can't see when he starts to cry.

Not that Scott would notice anyway. He's too immersed in the scenery to look over at his sobbing fiancé.

By the end of the ride, Mitch has managed to get a hold of himself. He's not crying anymore, and he doesn't constantly feel like he's going to start again. Mitch doesn't know what he looks like, but he hopes he looks normal enough so Scott won't say anything.

Scott leads Mitch to another game. "I'm going to win you that giant Pikachu!" Scott declares, and starts trying to win. Mitch tries to be happy, but all he can think is great, another thing for me to carry.

After about the tenth try, Mitch is fed up. "Scott," he says, and Scott immediately turns, smiling happily. However, it falls when he sees the tears in Mitch's eyes. "What's wrong?" he asks, but Mitch just shakes his head. "Can we go home? Please?" he says softly, biting his lip to keep from breaking down right there. Scott looks as though he's about to protest, but then he looks down at Mitch and sees all the stuff he's been forced to carry around everywhere and feels bad. "Of course, sweetie. I'm sorry I made you carry all this stuff." Mitch dismisses it with an awkward wave of his hand. "I just want to go home."


Mitch dumps all the stuff on the floor as soon as he walks into the apartment, walking over to the couch and flopping down on it. Scott follows behind him, but instead of going straight to the couch, he turns on the TV and flips to Spongebob. Then, he turns to Mitch, and chuckles softly at the man making grabby-hands before going to sit next to him.

Mitch immediately curls into his side and sighs contentedly, settling in to watch TV. Scott smiles at him and wraps his arm around Mitch's shoulders, bringing him closer. 

They fall asleep in each other's arms.

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