chapter seven

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The world is a blur as Scott and Alex rush inside Scott's apartment, hurrying to get out of the rain.

It's a couple hours later, at about 2:00 a.m., and both Scott and Alex are significantly drunker.

Scott offered to take Alex home, since he had about one less drink than Alex, but they ended up just going back to Scott's apartment instead.

As soon as they get inside, Alex slams his lips onto Scott's, and it's a second before the surprised Scott kisses back. Alex slowly pushes Scott against the wall, letting his hands roam Scott's body. His fingers fumble with the buttons of Scott's shirt, and he's able to get one undone before they're interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

Scott gently pushes Alex off of him. "Wait in the bedroom," he whispers, and Alex nods, stumbling over his feet in his haste to get there. Scott tries to fix himself, buttoning his shirt back up and running his hands through his hair a few times in an effort to smooth it. He glances in the mirror one last time and rushes to the door, satisfied with his appearance.

Scott opens the door and all of the alcohol seems to flood out of his system, his eyes going wide.


The small boy offers Scott a weak smile, but Scott can tell he's been crying. His eyes are red and puffy, and his cheeks are tear-stained. He's drenched, his sopping hair covering one eye. Scott worriedly moves aside, letting him in. Mitch wraps his arms tighter around himself, clenching his jaw in an effort to hide the fact that it's chattering. Scott rushes into his bathroom and grabs the fluffiest towel he can find, coming back outside to see Mitch looking around his apartment. He hands the towel to Mitch, watching as he gratefully wraps it around his shoulders, his hands shaking slightly.

"How did you know where I lived?"

Mitch forces a weak, tired laugh. He removes his notepad and pencil from his pocket, surprisingly dry. He scribbles something on the paper and shows it to Scott.

A magician never reveals his tricks.

Scott smiles slightly, shaking his head. He still can't believe that Mitch is right there in his living room. After all, the boy had disappeared for three months.

Suddenly, Alex comes out of Scott's room, his eyes slightly angry but mostly annoyed. Scott's eyes widen, and he quickly tries to hide Alex from view, but it's too late. Mitch sees him, and his posture falters ever so slightly, his soft smile flickering. Alex lands eyes on Mitch, too, and he appears to sober up a bit.

"Should I go, or . . . ?"

Scott hesitates, his eyes flickering back and forth between Mitch and Alex. Eventually, he sighs, smiling apologetically. "Yes, please do. I'm sorry." Alex returns the smile and turns to Mitch. "May I, uh, borrow a piece of paper?" he asks awkwardly. Mitch deflates, and Scott just now notices how small and tired he looks. He tears a piece of paper from its fellows, handing it to Alex. "Thank you," Alex says, and Mitch smiles weakly.

Alex hands Scott the piece of paper after Alex scribbles something on it, and he sets it down on the counter. "Bye, Allie," he murmurs, watching as Alex nears the door. Alex turns to give him one last smile before he's gone.

Scott and Mitch stand in silence for a few seconds before Scott finally speaks up. "Let's get you out of those wet clothes," he murmurs, ignoring the surprise that briefly flits across Mitch's face as he disappears into his room.

Scott pulls out a pair of sweatpants and the smallest shirt he can find, hoping that they'll fit his small friend. He carries them out and passes the clothes to Mitch. "The bathroom's that way," he says quietly, motioning in the general direction of the bathroom. Mitch nods, taking the clothes and heading to the bathroom.

He returns a few minutes later, and it takes all Scott has to not stare. He looks a lot smaller in Scott's too-big clothes, and he looks beautiful.

Scott freezes. Beautiful.

They stand awkwardly in silence for a few seconds before Scott clears his throat, gently grabbing Mitch's hand and leading him to the couch. He ignores how right Mitch's hand feels in his and gently pushes him down to sit on the couch, Scott plopping beside him. "Explain, please."

Mitch draws in a shaky breath, and Scott's heart pangs as he sees tears shining in Mitch's eyes. Nonetheless, Mitch starts to write.

Nathan broke up with me.

Anger flashes in Scott's eyes, but he forces it down, motioning for Mitch to continue.

He said I wasn't good enough for him. I cried for a while until I started feeling really, well, depressed, and I figured it would be best if I wasn't alone right then. So, I came here. I didn't know where else to go. I'm sorry if I interrupted something.

Scott shakes his head dismissively. "No, you didn't," he says gently, hiding his anger well.

I'm so stupid. Nathan broke my heart before, I should've known he was going to do it again. That was his plan all along. Get me to fall in love with him again, cut me off from everyone that I know, and then break my heart again.

This is when Mitch finally snaps. The tears start to flow freely down his cheeks, dripping onto his paper. Scott pulls Mitch into his chest, unable to bear seeing Mitch sad. Mitch tucks his face into Scott's neck, clinging onto him as though Scott's the only thing keeping him alive.

"Shh. It's okay. He doesn't deserve you, anyway."

Mitch lets out a silent sob, pushing himself farther into Scott's embrace. "Shh. You're okay. I'm here, I've got you." Scott isn't really paying attention to what he's saying, only hoping to calm Mitch down.

"I've got you."

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