chapter fourteen

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Scott sighs, running his hand through his hair. All he can hear is the stupid heart monitor, keeping track of Mitch's heart rate.

Mitch is lying unconscious on the bed next to Scott's perch, arms wrapped in bandages and chest barely rising and falling.

Sure, Scott wants — no, needs — Mitch to live, but the constant beeping coming from his heart monitor is causing Scott's head to hurt.

Suddenly, the door clicks open, and Scott immediately looks over. Mitch didn't have any family or friends that Scott is aware of, but then again Scott doesn't really know much about Mitch.

A man walks in and freezes when he lays eyes on Scott, but he forces himself to relax and smiles. "Hi. I'm Nathan."


Nathan Smith.

Mitch's jerky boyfriend.

Scott gets up, his fists already clenching and his eyes darkening with anger. Nathan is unfazed, his eyes hungrily raking over Mitch's body. "What the f*ck do you want?" Scott growls, and Nathan's eyes flicker over to him, his lips curling into a small smirk.

"I'm guessing Mitch's told you about me then? Or, well, wrote about me? Who are you? One of his f*ck boys?"

"Scott. His best friend," Scott snarls, resisting the urge to wipe the smirk off of Nathan's lips. The annoying smirk grows wider. "Ah. I see."

"What do you want?"

"I only wanted to see my boyfriend. Is that too much to ask?"

"It is when you caused him to stop speaking. Get out."

Nathan keeps his annoying smirk playing on his lips, but obeys and leaves the room. Scott forces himself to relax and he collapses back into the chair, resting his face in his hands.

He rubs his temple, trying to get rid of his pounding headache. His brain suddenly thinks of the lyrics of the song Mitch is selling him.

We're all made of stars
We're all made of dreams
Just use your spirit and heart
You can go where you want, do what you like
Be who you wanna be

And suddenly Scott wishes to hear Mitch's voice more than anything.

But he can't.

Because of Nathan.

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