chapter twenty four

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Mitch stares at Alex and Scott as they hold hands and laugh together, occasionally leaning over to kiss each other. He feels a pang in his heart and tries to look away, feeling tears coming on, but he can't. He can't believe that Scott and Alex haven't noticed him yet; it's just like they forgot he was there.

But Mitch doesn't really mind. If you don't speak, you're not very memorable.

With a shudder, the tears finally start flowing. Mitch manages to rip his eyes away, focusing on the floor and trying to remember how to breathe. He secretly hopes that Scott would notice him and comfort him, but he knows that won't happen. Alex is very distracting.

Mitch has to say, when he first met Alex, his first thought was that he was beautiful. And so, he deemed Alex worthy of Scott, and accepted it. They deserve each other.

Finally, Mitch can't take it anymore. He gets up and disappears into his room, not noticing Scott's eyes briefly flicker to him. Mitch shuts the door and leans against it, slowly sinking to the floor and hugging his knees while he cries. It's an all-too-familiar position; Mitch has had way more nights where he just sat and cried than he'd like to admit.

Mitch sits like this for what seems like hours but was probably a few seconds until he can hear voices.

"Hey, where did Mitch go?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's in his room."

"Okay, well, I'm going to go check on him. I'll be right back."

Mitch panics and quickly pushes himself off the floor, furiously wiping away his tears. Before he can check his appearance in the mirror, though, Scott soft knocks on the door and comes in, his blue eyes scanning the room for his best friend. Mitch stares at him from his bed, attempting to smile. Scott sees him and smiles back, oblivious. "Oh, hi, Mitchie. I was coming in to check on you," he says, his eyes shining happily. Mitch swallows and nods, still forcing that stupid smile to stay on his lips. Scott's eyes flicker off his eyes to his face, and his smile falters a little as he sees the tear-stains on Mitch's cheeks. "What's wrong?" he asks softly, coming to sit beside Mitch.

Mitch instinctively moves away, knowing he'll probably do something he'll regret if he doesn't. Scott frowns and moves closer. "Mitch?" Scott says softly, concerned. Mitch swallows and looks away, hiding his face in his pillow. Scott hesitates before getting up and turning to go.

Mitch will never forgive himself for what he does next.

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