chapter six

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It's been three months since Scott last saw Mitch.

Even though he only really talked to Mitch twice, that doesn't keep him from missing the silent boy terribly. However, he forces himself to respect Mitch's wishes.

If I don't get back to you soon, don't try to find me.

Scott grits his teeth, digging his nails into his palms as he rips himself away from his thoughts and focuses on the show he's watching.

Well, attempting to watch.

His brain keeps drifting back to the small boy he met four months ago. His warm brown eyes, his smile that lights up Scott's world, his small frame, all of him. In fact, Scott has been finding himself thinking about Mitch quite a lot lately.


The name brings a wide variety of feelings to Scott, most of which don't normally mix. Happiness, worry, confusion, sadness. Four very different feelings. Four very different feelings that come to mind when Scott thinks of Mitch.

Scott doesn't even know much about Mitch, only that he's a songwriter and plays the piano at parties on the side. He knows that he stopped talking a couple years ago because of his jerky boyfriend.

But other than that, Mitch is pretty much a mystery to Scott. Heck, Scott doesn't even know his last name. He doesn't know how old Mitch is, he doesn't know what his favorite color is, he doesn't know what his favorite animal is, he doesn't know if Mitch has any pets, he doesn't know if Mitch graduated college, he doesn't know where he's from.

Wow. Scott really doesn't know much.

Scott sighs, running his hands through his hair. His attempts at not thinking of the small, silent boy have failed, and Scott is only thinking of him more.

I need to get him out of my mind.

"Kirst?" he calls, hoping she's willing to go do something with him. "What do you want?" she calls back from her room, and Scott chuckles slightly. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out or something." Kirstie is silent for a few moments before she comes bounding out of her room, already dressed and hair and makeup already done. She's grinning, her painted red lips curling at the corners. "I thought you'd never ask."


Scott can't hear himself think. He's surrounded by dancing bodies, moving along to the loud music pumping through the speakers. A glass is clutched in his hand, half-full with condensation coating the outside. It forms small droplets of water where Scott's hand touches, wetting his hand. He makes a face at the glass, moving it to his other hand and disgustedly wiping his wet hand against his jeans.

Scott stumbles as someone bumps into him, almost falling but catching himself just in time. "I'm so sorry!" a voice shouts over the music. Scott feels a hand grab his shoulder and steady him again. "It's alright!" Scott shouts back, turning around to see who helped him.

As soon as he lays eyes on the man, Mitch almost disappears completely from his mind. The man has brown eyes almost like Mitch's, but his are the color of chocolate with flecks of gold in the irises, and light brown hair is styled similarly to Scott's. Scott feels his lips curl up at the corners, smiling genuinely for the first time in a while. "What's your name?" he shouts, and the man looks back at Scott, his eyes afire.




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