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Barnes was up and ready to head towards the warehouse like always. He'd been eagerly waiting for any missions to up-rise in past few days but nothing was available. Though, he had heard through Rahul and Miguel that they were looking for recruits to help build the school. But since the construction was nearly on the outskirts of town, he wouldn't make it home in his curfew. So the man just patiently waited for another quest to come in the meantime— hopefully, one that requires his talents in targeting. And one that is closer to home so Steve wouldn't get suspicious.

Speaking of which...

When the Winter Soldier staggered out of his room, dressed up in ragged clothes for work, he hadn't noticed Captain America and Natasha Romanoff mingling by the kitchen. Though, when the silence overwhelmed his atmosphere, he glanced up and was greeted by the two most perplexed and awe-struck people. In his most stern, unfaltering voice he welcomed them in a short-breathed, "Morning."

Steve was clearly struggling to let the words slip off his tongue but Natasha beat him to it. "Well, morning to you too," She cooed in an evidently surprised and taunting manner. Both of the agents could not peel their eyes off the man as he crossed the room towards the living room. "Someone's been experimenting with the razor."
Barnes had his back against them when she mentioned the new butt-naked-face look, so he managed to slip a small grin before he replaced it with his stone hard look. "Yeah," he muttered, snatching his coat from the armrest. "I thought it'd be a nice a change."

"Where are you headed?" Steve finally perked into the conversation, realizing the young man was heading out on the weekend.

"And don't lie. You're not going for another shift at the construction site." Nat interrupted right as the man opened his mouth.

Bucky heaved a sigh, lowering his gaze, knowing far too well that his companion would see right through his lies if he looked at him. "I have plans with a few friends today." It was pathetic. His excuse sounded like a teenage boy answering his mother why he wasn't spending the day at home. Steve was about to interject when Nat, again, barged in.

"Well, have fun then," she beamed, rested her chin on her hands.

The Winter Soldier gave a quick shake of a head before he fled out the door. Once the front door shut, the Captain turns towards the woman with a perplexed look. "What on earth was that all about?"

"What?" Nat chirped, fiddling with the spoon between her fingers.

"You don't find any of that suspicious?"

"What's suspicious?"

"Bucky...? The way he's been acting lately is bizarre. I've been starting to get the feeling he's been getting himself into trouble." The woman smirked smugly just as he finished. "What?"

"You don't see it, do you? The late nights out, the sudden urge to catch up with hygiene, the friends..."

"My God," Steve gaped, as realization struck him.

Natasha quirked a brow, leaning forward. "You get it now?"

"Barnes' got a best girl..."


Something was going on.

And it was not setting right for the man.

He didn't comprehend why the hëll his luck acted up suddenly. Whenever he asked Mason about a new mission, the Winter Soldier was always turned down. But for some odd reason, today was the day he was demanded to get on the case. One thing led after another, and anticlimactically, Barnes was thrown into one of the vehicles with Goro.
Secretively, Mason joined the two just before they sparked the engine and handed them a pistol. "Make sure you use your bullets wisely. We're not S.H.I.E.L.D. or H.Y.D.R.A. to own an infinite number of cartridge. Safely bring the hostage and make sure you don't get caught."

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