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You simultaneously despised and adored the feeling.

The feeling of undying content and hopefulness.

It left you dancing on clouds and trotting through fields of green - smothering whatever ounce of wariness was left in you. Otherwise, you would have recognized that the warehouse was no longer concealed, leaving the Ambassadors vulnerable to the sight of oncomers.

You simply sauntered through the building like nothing was wrong despite your conscious whispering the opposite. You continued to be divorced from reality until you were jerked back by your wrist. When your orbs fell on your contender, you became exasperated in a mere second. "Get your hands off me!" You growled, whipping your limb in an attempt to remove the boy's grasp.

Goro was shockingly unfathomed by your repulsion. "Where were you?" He whispered firm and low. Your lack of response irked him but, aside from the dismay that coated his tone, he remained composed. "Did you go see him?"

"That's none of your concern."

"You can't be serious . . ." He squinted to better read your features, but was disappointed and unsurprised by the repentance that lingered in your hues. "(Y/n)! They'll kill you if they find out you're keeping contact with him. Especially after-"

"After what, Goro?"

The boy's lip quivered as though he were going to say something. But soon enough, he recognized his incompetence. He clenched his jaw and averted his gaze. "You know."

"Oh, I'm sorry - I have no idea what you're talking about. What were you trying to say?" You retorted a little too loud for the male's comfort. Of course, no one was in the vicinity to have heard your fight but the young man still paled. "Tell me, Goro. Does it sting you to know that you blatantly lied to the Ambassadors about Bucky? Do you not feel guilty at all?"

"Please keep your voice down-"

"Why did you throw him under the bus? Why, Goro?"

"Has Bucky not told you why we did what we did?"

"Obviously," you muttered, crossing your arms before your chest. "But you should have known better!"

"What exactly are you mad about, huh? For saving your life?"

"Yes - especially at the cost of another! I mean, c'mon, did you really expect me to thank you? You're a fücking healer, for God's sake. You shouldn't be putting people on death-row!" You paused as bafflement painted over the male's face. Taking a breath, you recomposed yourself but failed to hide the tears that welled up. "And you know what's the worst part about all of this? It's the fact that the person I saw as family - in this hell-hole of a fücking place - was the one who stabbed me in the back."

"Please don't do this, (Y/n) - why can't you try to understand? I only agreed to this because I . . . I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you-"

"But I deserve it. Mason's blood is on my hands-"

"No, it's not!"

"Yes!" You hollered, your breath growing ragged. "It is. And if something happens to Buck or the Avengers - their blood will be on your hands too. Keep that in mind."

He thought to debate it - to tell you that things would eventually be okay and that the Winter Soldier would come through - but seeing the hurt and bewilderment in your eyes, it was apparent that nothing he said would reach you. The young man promised to be there for you whenever you needed him. But for now, the best he could do was to step back and let you watch the scene unfold. At least then, hopefully, you'd be able to see how what he did was to keep you safe and happy.

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