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Trigger warning: mentions of rape and substance abuse


It was as if the world had quieted for the words that left you. And for the void that replaced the ache in Kehthan's chest. When you finally raised your gaze from the ground to his crestfallen face, goosebumps raided every inch of your flesh. It was as though he wanted to say something - to inquire, to counter, to holler, or to weep. But instead he remained still, with eyes unyielding and mouth agape.

"I thought it was a petty fight. But it wasn't until I saw the gun that I realized there was months worth of hate broiling inside me . . . But I swear on the lives of everyone I love - I never meant to hurt him. It was one mistake that I'll have to spend a lifetime to make up for," you whimpered. "But I'll make this right - I'll tell all the Ambassadors the truth. You can . . . even kill me at the end of this. But please, I beg you, leave everyone else out of this."

You could see the wheels turning in the male's head. Reality was finally setting in for him. After trembling for another minute or two, Lex pursed his lips into a thin line. His Adam's Apple bobbed profusely as he thread together the response you were dying for. But then something troubling occured. The Ambassador apathetically dried his salted cheeks and pushed his hair from his face. When he finally released his lips, it began to form a mocking grin. "Well, that's unfortunate . . . I was hoping you could have stayed my bitch for a little while longer."

Muddled, but clearly offended, you scowled. "Excuse me?"

"Oh c'mon now, did you really think I wouldn't have known?"

"Known what?"

"That you killed my brother."

Your eyes widened immediately. "W-What? How did you . . ?"

"I orchestrated the whole thing," the man sneered, propping against his desk. "Planted the gun, riled up Mason, and pretty much set up the whole mood for a lovely little homicide."

"You wanted him dead? T-The fuck are you blabbering about?!"

"You see . . . no one liked me at the institution. But, to be fair - I was a coward. I escaped and left everyone to die. Whenever any mutants saw me on the street, they always threw in a few punches to greet me. It was all fine until the Ambassadors started up and no one wanted me there either. Yet, I was the one who found this fucking warehouse in the first place. But Mason couldn't handle the thought of abandoning me so he offered another option - I could live with you all, but he said he would conceal me for a few months until things finally settled down. Then, he'll introduce me to you all and -"

"Wait, wait - you mean to say you've lived here, in the warehouse, this entire time?"

"Like a ghost," he added, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was okay. A bit lonely, yes. But it was nice. That is until . . . Mason and I ran into a few disagreements."

"Like what?"

"Attachment to family, profit, the media-"

"Wait so you-"

"Killed and hid your families, yes-"

"So . . . it was never Mason?"

"Oh God, no," Lex grimaced, crossing his arms before his chest. "He hated the idea and started fussing about. So I controlled his mind as much as I could until he started finding ways to fight my grasp on him. Then sprung a better idea - I'll just kill him off instead."

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