Chapter 9

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Before heading to the car for our three hour trip to my parent's home I went to the toilet with Emma, while the males waited, impishly shaking their head that we needed to go yet again. When we returned from the bathroom, Tom was waiting right next to the ladies door in the sterile passage, fumbling nervously with his fingers, while Sam and dad were still chatting around the corner in the pick-up area.

"I still think we should get our own car, Engel," Tom started again. Emma just rolled her eyes while passing us. Taking Tom's hand with a forced smile and raised eyebrows, I pulled him after me. I really didn't want to get into the same discussion again.

"We discussed this, Tom. My dad's here, he's taking us home and then tomorrow we'll organise a car. Or you can organise it on the trip home in my dad's car if it makes you feel better. But we will be getting a lift from my dad." I planted a quick kiss on his cheek before we got back to Sam, dad and Emma, who'd made her way back a lot faster than us, when my eyes caught a small group of men in black suits behind them, watching us inconspicuously.

Noticing Tom's nervous glances between the group of men and me, I knew immediately what was going on. They were the security he hired. By the count of them, there was one for each of us. So that was the real reason why Tom wanted to drive himself, to ensure he was in control without my parents finding out. As much as I appreciated his urge to keep us safe, especially after considering the past events in Australia, this went too far. Michael was no threat to us. He was in custody and we were half way around the world. Trying to avoid a scene, I just shook my head in Tom's direction, put on my smile, deciding not to get annoyed and wrapped my arm around Tom's waist, reassuring him that all was fine.

The landscape rushed by on the way to my childhood home. Initially it was just the Autobahn and high-rise buildings in the distance. But even the street signs, the type of cars and trees along the road looked so different, yet so familiar. In an hour or so we would pass through small towns and villages with their studwork houses, farms and cows grazing on green meadows. From my memory of past trips I would be reminded once again that even though this was home, this was where I grew up, that I wasn't a part of it anymore. I was only a visitor.

Sam was sleeping to my left while Emma kept dad entertained with her anecdotes about school, her sport and friends. Tom had been trying to get involved in the conversation, but was unable to compete with Emma, the entertainer. From the backseat, I slipped my arm through the small opening beside Tom's front seat, searching for his arm. In the rear-view mirror I watched the smile cross his face when our hands touched in hiding. Then I risked a quick glance through the rear windshield. Two black cars with tinted windows were following us.

At a rest area we made a stop. Emma and I both needed to use the restroom, again. When we came back out I noticed the two men standing in safe distance watching us. I tried to ignore them. If it made Tom feel better, I didn't want to fuzz about it, but I really didn't want my parents to know that four security guards followed our every step. They wouldn't understand.

Stepping back outside, I stumbled. Tom tugged Sam hastily into the car, while two of the bodyguards shouted at a man, snatching his camera off him. Protectively, I placed my arm around Emma's shoulder, feeling the blood in my veins boil. Nervously, I screened the surrounding for my dad, hoping he had gone into the service area and hadn't witnessed this absurd scene. It wouldn't go down well. Of that I was sure. But there dad was sitting on one of the wooden picnic tables under a broad-leaf tree, turning his head in horror from his car to the paparazzo. Some bystanders had gathered, taking pictures with their phones of the paparazzo being handled by Tom's bodyguards. I had to get to my dad and explain, but before I could move, I felt a hand on my shoulder, pushing me forward.

"I need to get you into the car," the man's husky voice calmly urged me. Not to cause any further dramas, I followed his instruction, feeling like all my hopes of a peaceful stay at my parents were crushed.

As the car door shut next to Emma, I spat at Tom. "What do you think you're doing, Tom? What happened?" But before he could give me an answer, one of the bodyguards opened the driver door for my dad to get in. He sat down, with both his hands clasping around the steering wheel. His red face gave away the anger raging in him. My dad did not get angry very often. He could tolerate a lot, until he snapped. He was close, very close. All eyes were turned on dad, who took several deep breaths before slowly turning to Tom, keeping his hands clasped tightly around the steering wheel, his knuckles white from the strength of his grip.

"Would anybody explain to me what is going on here?" Every word was loud and clearly drawn out. Dad tried hard to suppress his anger, I could tell. Struggling to put the right words together in my head, I knew I had to defend Tom. He exaggerated, but after all it was just him caring. As I opened my mouth in an attempt to put my dad at ease, Sam beat me to it.

"That ass took photos of us and asked me where we were going, so I..."

Tom quickly intervened, cutting Sam off. "With all due respect, Herr Reinhold, but I'm just keeping Lisa and the kids safe."

My dad's knuckles turned even whiter, if that was even possible.

"With all due respect, Tom," he rumbled, taking another deep breath before turning to me. "We better don't tell your mother that her only two grandchildren now live in danger and need around the clock protection!" My dad turned around, facing the road and started the car. Slowly, he rolled towards the exit to the autobahn.

"Papa!" I wanted to explain, but didn't know what to say. Anything would just make it worse. Dad didn't acknowledge my attempt, so I leaned back, closing my eyes and waited for the minutes to pass. Tears welled behind my closed eye lids. If my dad was already so fed up with our relationship, I could only imagine my mum's reaction. No one dared to speak. As we exited the autobahn and passed through the first villages, Sam and Emma had both fallen asleep. Tom's hand was seeking mine through the small empty space on the side of the car. I took it, reassuring him. We should have taken a rental car, I thought.

Pressing my hand into his, Tom turned around to make sure the kids were really both asleep. He gave me a half-smile. Only the right side of his mouth lifted. "Herr Reinhold," Tom turned to my dad. "I would like to explain to you what happened earlier." Dad didn't acknowledge him and continued staring out at the road.

"Papa," I tried to get his attention.

"I know what's going on," dad mumbled, his anger gone. Left seemed to be only disappointment, sadness. "Your mother was not happy when she found out about your relationship. Lisa, we know that you were never happy in your marriage. But your mother always tried to encourage you that things would get better, easier as the kids get older. We know that nothing changed and maybe we were wrong in encouraging you to stay with Peter. I know that you had financial troubles, but you don't need a partner now who has a lot of money. You did just fine alone with the kids. We had the feeling you just got everything together, honey. This is not against you, Tom. I don't even know you, but now Lisa has new worries. We just want you to be happy, darling, and not running around with bodyguards."

"Dad," I put my right hand on his shoulder. "You don't need to worry. I love Tom. The kids love him. He's just making sure everything is fine. We're not in danger. Tom's just being very cautious."

"Your mum's reading these boulevard magazines daily now. We know what happened before you left for India. The attack. We're grateful that Tom saved you, but he is also the one putting you at risk."

Tom didn't say a word. He was deep in thought, as if he agreed with what my dad said, silently nodding.

"That attack had nothing to do with Tom," I defended him. The attacker was my ex-boss. He was angry at me." Wrinkles formed on my dad's forehead. He didn't believe me. And the more I thought about it, I guessed Michael's attack did have something to do with Tom. It wasn't Tom's fault, in no way, but his money made him - us - a target.

Tom inhaled deeply, and there was a slight shake of his head when he closed his eyes. I pressed his right hand in mine, then I squeezed dad's shoulder and placed a kiss on his right cheek. A small smile crept across dad's face. "Let's not tell mum, okay?" he ensured, turning quickly to Tom and then meeting my eyes in the rear-view mirror.

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