Chapter 15

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Birgit looked just like she did when I first saw her on the screen of Tom's laptop. Her genuine smile and sparkling green eyes greeted us as she opened the door to Jan's apartment. Quite formal, she shook my hand. Glancing over her shoulder I recognised Jan, leaning on crutches, smiling from ear to ear. With large strides Tom walked toward him, greeting him with a brotherly hug.

"Look at you standing here. You're looking good!" Tom told Jan, before turning to me, gesturing for me to join him. A wave of coffee and freshly baked cake enveloped me as I stepped into Jan's apartment.

Tom introduced me while wrapping his arm around my backside. Usually when he held me like that, his arm was placed lower, and the feeling that Tom might be very conscience of not appearing indecent or possibly just being shy overcame me.

When Jan spoke, he slurred his words the same way he had done when I briefly spoke to him on Skype a few weeks earlier. The left side of his mouth hardly moved when he formed words, only twitched in irregular intervals, together with his eyes. "You're very beautiful, Lisa," he genuinely welcomed me, smiling brightly. "Come in," he offered, turning on his crutches and slowly leading the way to the sitting area.

"Your walking is impressive," Tom told Jan, beaming.

"He's made a lot of progress," Birgit joined in. "You should see him exercise. Never stops." It was obvious they both cared for Jan very much.

Sitting on the lounge next to Tom, I took in my surroundings while Tom and Jan chatted away, and Birgit was busy in the kitchen preparing coffee. I asked her to help, but she denied, seemingly surprised by my offer.

The layout of Jan's apartment was the exact same as Tom's, all open plan with the same views just that it was from a lower angle. I was certain that Jan had the bottom level apartment because of his wheelchair. What most struck me though was that Jan's place had character. The furniture was more of a mix and match, the pictures on the walls more personal with many photos among them. My heart filled with warmth when I spotted a photo of Tom and Jan sitting on a Mediterranean looking ocean front in snorkelling gear. In another, they were together in front of a bonfire. The largest photo of them all towered over the head of the dining room table and showcased Tom and Jan in a cosy looking hut in front of a fireplace with steaming mugs in their hands. Tom never told me about all these travels with Jan and I wondered why he didn't have any of those personal pictures at his place.

While I was still studying the pictures on Jan's wall, Birgit brought in a cheesecake. I wondered with a watering mouth why it was cheesecake she served, but seeing Tom watch me in anticipation, I knew there must have been a special order from someone who had come to know my tastes quite well.

The minute I finished my coffee, Birgit filled up my cup again.

"Sit down with us, Birgit." Tom pointed at the chair opposite his.

"Actually," she replied, still wearing the same bright smile she had when we first arrived at the apartment, "Could I talk to you in the study for a moment?" Tom looked at me with his eyes wide open. He squeezed my shoulder and excused himself, before following Birgit. I threw a questioning look at Jan, as the two of them closed the door to the study behind them.

"They're talking about me," Jan explained cheerfully.

"The operation?" I checked.

"Na, Tom knows everything about that. Probably about me not wanting to move." He got all secretive now.

"Move?" I was under the impression his condition had improved. Why did he need to move?

"Yeah, to Australia." The shock must have been writing on my face. Tom had never mentioned anything the like to me. I tried hard to hide the confusion. Of course Tom would want Jan to be nearby. Jan was the closest Tom had to a family. It made sense for Jan to come with us.

"Why don't you?" I then asked, hoping Jan wouldn't notice my irritation.

"Because I live here. I can look after myself." Then, Jan leaned forward and checked with a careful eye that the door to the study was still shut before whispering over the table. "Tom has always looked out for me. Being with you is the first time for him to allow someone else to make him happy. I'm not going to destroy that."

I believe I must have blushed. My face felt hot as coal in the fire. It suddenly hit me how selfish I'd been to never even think about Tom having the wish to bring Jan over to Sydney. After all, Jan was the closest Tom had to a family.

I assured Jan, he wouldn't be in anyone's way, and how lovely it would be for Tom, and all of us for that matter, to have him live with us. Jan's grin stretched mischievously over his face, studying me for a while, before he continued.

"Tom never spoke to you about it, did he?" What? How did he figure that out now?

"What do you mean?" I felt embarrassed. But just in that moment, the door to the study opened and Tom and Birgit stepped out. Jan leaned even further over the table, placed his hand over mine and whispered, "Because I won the fight to live by myself a long time ago. Tom wouldn't even consider me living with you. But I love you for being willing to take me in."

Oh. My eyes widened but I remained silent as Tom re-joined us at the table. The small scowl he gave Jan didn't go past me.

After finishing our coffee, Tom led me back down to the underground carpark. Instead of walking to the rental we had arrived in, Tom opened the door to a black Audi Q7.

"Why are you smiling like a Cheshire cat?" Tom studied me as I passed him to climb in.

"It's nothing. I just never pictured you roaming the streets of Hamburg in this beauty of a family car." I deliberately refrained from adding and picking up chicks although the words lay loosely on my tongue, waiting to be freed. Oh, those insecurities.

"Is that so? What kind of car did you picture me in?"

"I don't know. Maybe something like your neighbours here." I pointed at the sleek silver sports car, which was parked opposite from us.

"Oh, so you picture me the speedy kind of guy?" Tom's arms found their way around my hips, preventing me from entering the car. I had to look up to meet his gaze.


"So you don't like this car?"
"No," I countered. "I love this car. I'd love to have it to take the kids to netball and basketball and soccer and swimming and all of us together to the beach or..." The kiss Tom planted on my lips stopped me from finishing my list of activities.

"And for only the two us? You'd prefer a different car?"

"Tom, you know I'm not much of a car person. I couldn't care less. All I'm saying is that it surprises me."

"Would you like to take my neighbour's car?" His raised brows left cute wrinkles on his forehead. I answered with a questioning look.

"Which one, your pick."

Rising to my tippy toes, I pressed my nose against his. The closeness to him prevented me from seeing anything but the few fine hairs between his eyebrows. "Well, how about we take your neighbour's then?" I gently rubbed my nose along his, before placing my feet flat on the ground again, looking up at him expectantly. Now Tom grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"What is it?" This time I asked, irritated.

"Nothing," Tom smirked. "I just never would have guessed you'd prefer the sports car.

He got me there.

As I was sitting down on the smooth leather seat, inhaling the new car scent, I remembered how almost annoyed I was when Scott had picked me up in a car as such. For some reason though, it didn't bother me now. Contently I leaned back, watching Tom confidently taking his seat. For Tom, this was not a show off. Tom owned this car, and not just by having paid for it. He belonged in it, and I, well I belonged to him. And on that afternoon, it was just the two of us, together, alone, riding through Tom's life. I felt excited, free and euphoric.

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