Chapter 46

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Four years later....

"I have another birthday present for you later," I whispered in Tom's ear as we slowly danced on the grass dance floor in the back yard of our new home, only two streets away from the old. We needed the extra room.

"I can't wait," Tom whispered back.

"Not that," I defended myself. "Well, that as well if you like, but I've got another one to unwrap."

"There's nothing else I could possibly want, Schatzi. But I'm looking forward to it."

Eva and Johan floated toward us, effortlessly dancing across the grass. "Can I cut in?" Johan asked his son with the same smile Tom returned, as he let go off me and took his mother's hand.

Eva must have noticed my quizzical look. Before Tom could put his arms around his mother, she leaned forward to ensure me: "Your mum's with Lottie, and Hannah is just checking on Meili." Hearing the names of his daughters, Tom smiled proudly. The music ended and while we were waiting for the next song to start, Tom pulled out his phone. The tunes of another ballad overplayed Tom's voice, but his expression was concerned, and so was Eva's. As he walked away from the music to a quiter spot, Tom held up his hand, indicating that I should stay, which I would have done, hadn't I heard him say Emma's name.

"Where is she?" Tom was furious. "I'll do it myself."

It was hard for me to keep up with his long strides and Tom hadn't noticed me following yet. In a haste he walked around the corner of the house where only the moon cast light to see. The noise from the party was damped.

"You stop right there," Tom thundered. I couldn't see anyone but my heart went to double speed.

"Coach!" A male voice stammered back.

"Dan?" Tom asked surprised, walking toward the male voice. "What do you think you're doing here, sneaking around my house with my daughter?"

"I was just visiting her. I'm sorry coach."

"If you don't leave this minute I'll kick you out of the soccer team before you can say offside."

"Dad," Emma now complained. I had finally caught up to Tom and saw Emma holding on to Dan Birkers arm. "I asked him to come."

"What's going on here?" I finally was able to get involved.

"Dan here is sneaking around our house - looking for Emma." Tom explained to me what I already knew "And he is still not leaving."

"I'll text you later," Dan told Emma as he wriggled his arm free from hers.

"He was all over her when I got here." Tom was trying to keep his voice down but he was just too angry.

"Ugh, dad, we just kissed."

"Yeah, that's all," Dan confirmed from a bit of a distance.

"Go!" Tom shouted at him.

"I really like him, mum, dad. Why can't he stay. It's not fair."

My baby was in love. I looked at Tom with raised brows. "Oh great," Tom let a defeated sigh. "Dan, move your butt back here."

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