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Pennia's POV

I awoke in a meadow; a meadow, full of flowers. An ocean to my right and a forest to my left. The sun shined and there were no clouds in the sky to stop the rays.

I looked around, taking several steps into the meadow. The air was scented, you could smell the flowers and the saltiness from the ocean.

'Why was I here?' I thought but then, I saw him.

It was him, the man from my dreams. I could feel my smile widening, my feet taking off towards him.

He was glowing; the sun glistened off his wet back. He was in the water, waist deep with his hands grazing the top.

I stopped a foot before the water, looking at his clothes in the sand next to me. Biting my lip, I grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head.

I quickly stripped down to nothing, taking slow steps into the water.

The water was cold, goosebumps erupting across my skin. My body shook, shivers raking through my small stature. As I neared him, I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly insecure.

I stopped, staring at his perfectly sculpted body. His back, muscular yet soft. His shoulders, strong and sturdy. Smiling, I placed my hand on his tricep, stepping up next to him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I said, staring at the sun setting in front of us.

"Yeah," he said, sending another round of chills down my spine.

I feel his hand on my lower back, pulling my into him. He pulls me into his side and I instantly curl into him, resting my head against him. I pushed my cheek against his toned chest, closing my eyes.

"Are you real?" I say, breathing him in.

"I'm real, yes, but is this real?" He says, using his hand to gesture in front of him.

"It can't be," I say, shaking my head. "I'm in hell and this is paradise."

I feel him rest his chin on the top of my head, listening to my shallow breaths.

"Are you real?" I hear his velvet voice say.

"Yes," I answer. "But this is a dream."

"What's your name?"

"P.." I begin to say when I hear a scream.

"Penn!" I hear someone, a girl yell.

I pull away from the man, frantically looking around. Much to my dismay, I pull away from my dream man and turn towards the shore.

"Penn!" I hear a scream, this time a boy's scream.

When I reach the shore, my vision begins blurring. Panting, I fall to my knees, grabbing handfuls of sand as I find myself unable to breathe.

I squeeze my eyes shut, my hands leaving the beach to grip my ears, the screaming echoing through my head.

Then, everything turns black.


Arms. I feel arms holding me. Hands. I feel hands holding my own, brushing the hair out of my face. Tears. I feel tears dripping down my face, and I don't know whether their mine or not.

"Penn?" I hear a gentle voice say. The voice is compelling, it's sweet and kind.

"Penn, wake up." I hear another voice say, a male. "It's Prim and Issac, we need you to wake up."

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