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Pennia's POV

"She's never going to forgive me," I whispered to Issac, holding my head in my hands.

"She will, Penn. Give her time." He said, ruffling up my hair. "She doesn't understand this like we do, she values human life more than anyone I know."

"She should've known this was bound to happen. This is the Games, you kill to survive. If you don't kill, you die." I groaned, clearly frustrated.

"I know P, trust me. She's been giving all of us the cold shoulder," Issac sighed, glancing at his sleeping girlfriend. "She is pushing all of us who have killed someone away."

"Prim's going to drive herself insane, just like Kai did." I said, also looking over at her.

"What do you mean? What did Kai do?"

"He committed suicide a few years back, after the twins were killed." I sighed, playing with the pendant on my necklace. "Was told he couldn't handle the guilt of murdering innocent children."

"Survivors guilt," Issac whispered, his tone suddenly changing.

"Don't worry, Prim will be fine. She'll go home and get monitored by her mother." I said, putting another stick into the small fire.

"Do you think Katniss will come back? If Prim wins?"

"I don't know," I begin, shrugging my shoulders. "If she's anything like we've seen or heard, I think she would."

"She's the only that left," Issac snapped, balling his hands into fists. "Prim needed her and she just left!"

"I'm sure she had a good reason!" I say, shooting him a glare. "You aren't an older sibling, you don't understand how much it hurts seeing your little brother or sister in pain. Especially when you can't do anything about it!"

Issac shot back another glare, playful but serious. A small chuckle left his lips when I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Where do you think Rylan is?" He asked quietly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know," I sighed, leaning my head against his shoulders.

"He's a tank, for being so young. He'll pull through." Issac said, shaking his head.

"You're only saying that because he nearly kicked you in the balls the last time you saw him!" I said, laughing.

Issac raised his hands in the air, laughing loudly.

Times like these made me forget what was actually happening. They made me forget I was living in Panem, that I was in the Hunger Games, that my whole family had been slaughtered. Most importantly, they made me forget that I was going to die. Soon, too.

"We need to make a plan," I said, my smile dropping. "What order we should die in, I mean."

Issac's laughing stopped, his arms fell back down. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly upset.

"Prim's getting out of these games, and we are going to be the only things standing in the way of that. So, what order should we die in?"

"How about we think about that when the time comes?" Issac said, standing quickly. "Get some rest, you haven't slept in days."

I stared at him, retreating away from me and out of the firelight. Letting out a sigh, I laid down.


My eyes snapped open, it was light out. I didn't dream, I didn't see Finnick.

How long had it been? It had so be at least eight, maybe nine.

I jumped up, brushing the dirt out if my hair and walking over to Bentley and Bray.

"Morning," I grunted, taking Bray's water and sipping it.

"Well, aren't you a bag of sunshine?" Bentley said, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "Bad night? Fight with your boyfriend?"

"Funny," I said, elbowing him in the gutt. "Didn't dream."

"You figured each other out so you're not gonna have dreams about each other anymore." Bray says, taking her water back.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. I looked up, watching Prim and Issac talk.

"What's going on with them?" I ask, nodding to the arguing couple.

"Prim's upset with us," Bentley says, rolling his eyes.

"Even Is?"

"Even Issac," Bray says, picking up her weapon. "Going hunting, you both coming?"

"That girl is acting like Bridezilla," Bentley says, picking up his dagger.

I raise my eyebrows, looking back at Issac and Prim as we walk away. Bridezilla? Bride, wedding, marriage. Would that get Prim out of her slump?

"Maybe that is what she needs," I say when we are out of hearing distance.

"A wedding? At fourteen?" Bray says, letting out a loud laugh.

"People used to get married at fourteen all the time!" I say, twirling my spear around.

"Yeah, like a thousand years ago." Bray says, shaking her head.

"She hates us all, Brayden." Bentley says, nodding his head at the idea. "Weddings make people happy, bring people back together. Let's do it!"

"They are fourteen! Let's not do it!" Bray says, glaring her brother.

"I'm eighteen, I have never kissed a man, I have never had a boyfriend. I am in the Hunger Games and I'm going to die. So, why not? Who cares about their age!" I snap, grabbing her arm to stop her.

"I care about their age, they're too young!" Bray says, glaring me.

"They are in love! Have you ever felt that? Have you ever felt a single feeling of love towards another person in your life, other than your family?" I yell, shaking her. "No, you haven't! So, don't think you get to have an opinion about this!"

"One of them is going to die Penn, do you know how shitty that will make them both feel?" Bray says, pulling away from me.

"I'd rather marry the woman I love, even if we had a numbered amount of days left, then never have the chance to." Bentley says, stepping between us.

"See!" I say, pointing at Bray. "We don't have much time left, any of us. They should be able to have every experience life offers."

I see the siblings look at each other, having a silent conversation. Bentley nodded his head, reaching to pull his sister into a hug. They both sigh, pulling apart.

"Okay, okay," Bray says, looking at Bentley then me. "We do it. But, how do we have a wedding without a ring and a dress?"

A smile breaks through my face as I pull her into a hug, mumbling 'thank you's into her ear.

Once we pulled apart, we began our trek to find food. We had been walking in silence until I had a thought.

"So, Brayden?" I say causing Bentley to laugh.


Crazy crazy idea, I know. But, what the hell?:)


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