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In love so much...
So much that I cannot see
So much that I cannot feel
But you
Everywhere I look,
It's your face I see...
It's your touch I feel,
When the wind strokes my face...

My heart,
You stole it from me
My love,
You have it all
Just three little words
So simple
Is all you have to say,
And I'll be yours
Yours forever

You say you can't
That you're not sure
You say perhaps
And my heart cracks
The flame of life
Threatening to die...

Others say you don't deserve
My heart,
My love,
My care....
They say you don't care,
You're not able to love,
To give,
That you only take...

But I am blind.
Blinded by you
Your love.
Your touch.
Your face...
I only see you
Standing there
My heart in your hands
Still warm,
Still beating....

So please....please...
Don't close your hand
Don't turn your
Open hand of love
Into a fist
A fist that breaks,
My heart
A fist that burns,
My soul
Don't crush my heart

Unconditionally in love AND Eternally sadWhere stories live. Discover now