Gone by a pair of green eyes

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Used to look in your eyes
Open windows to your soul
Beautiful and pure
Fragile and vulnerable
Your heart bare before me
Full of love, compassion
Small delicate lines around your eyes
Green as a forest in spring
Your secret smile...
My heart clenches in my chest
Breathing becomes hard
And I know I'm long gone...

Unsure of this feeling
All I do is stare,
All I can do is be there when you call
My name sounds so sweet on your lips, in your voice...
I don't know what you expect
What you wish
I'm a confused mess, unsure what to do
I break my rules all for you...
And yet you don't care...

I stare, I fall, I burn
Chained to you by this feeling
Drowning in you, losing myself
To protect you,
Yet all I do is hurt, damage, bring despair
So I leave, to save you from me
To let you have a life, a future...
But I can't keep away,
My mark on your soul pulls me back
To drown again, to fall deeper
And I'm losing bit by bit
Every time I stare in your eyes
Intense, bright, green...

You want me to stay...
I leave, wishing to hate you
I betray your trust
I lie, I deceive
And you're always there...
My name on your lips...
Whispered like a chant, a prayer...
Trying to fix things,
Giving me another chance
Again...and again...
Ad I keep coming back...
Like a moth to the flame...
To you, your embrace, your eyes...
So green, so hurt...

I wish I could take
All your pain away with a kiss, a whisper
A promise...
And my heart keeps clenching...
Breathing has always been hard
Since I first laid a hand on your soul
And I knew I was long gone...
Gone by a pair of green, green eyes...

You said you needed me,
You begged me to stay
But I leave again...this time without a goodbye...
To not see the pain and hurt in your eyes...
Your oh so green eyes...
I knew it was best,
I only bring damage, pain, despair
On you, your future...
I can't keep you to me
Even though I'm chained to you...
You pulled me down from high
Corrupted me in your arms
And you're drowning me in this feeling...

Losing this battle, losing my wings...
Losing my light, losing everything...
I come back to you one last time...
This time I intend to stay
To let go and drown...to stop fighting
To give up and let you care...
I look in your eyes
The way I used to stare
But the windows are closed...
Your soul hidden, your stare hard
No secret smile,
Your eyes, those same green eyes...
Green like the ocean in summer heat
Hold no emotion, so guarded against me...
When have you become so cold?

You tell me I can't stay,
That I must leave...
That I have no place with you anymore...
One last look in your eyes as I turn away
Those same green eyes...
And I know I'm long gone...
Gone by a pair of green eyes...

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