Dark as your hair

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Dark as your hair
Smooth as your skin
Warm as your breath
Mysterious as your eyes
The Sky was watching me...

Sweet as your smiles
Hot as your lips
Scented as your Love
The dark liquid splashed
As My hands couldn't hold
The cup shattered to the ground...

Broken as your fragile pride
Shiny as your burning hope
Fluid like your vivid soul
The coffee wets my hand
The red combining with brown
As my injured palms touched the glass...

Curved as your simple Love
Lovely as your rare smiles
Soothing as your Warm hugs
Clear as your sweet voice
Pure as your blue eyes
The past came to me so fast
As I just broke down in Sobs

Sharp as sides of picture's frame
Painful as your hidden tears
Silent as the beats of your heart
Killing as your melancholic eyes
The black ribbon in my palms
Your smiling picture in my hands

Screams break through the night
Tearing the silence that sky holds
As I can hold it no more
As The cold feeling of loss
Sneaks in my hopeless arms
The tears, sobs choking my voice
Shaky as my miserable life

The curious eyes watching my pain
Just to pity for my soul
Just to remind I must live
While I lost my reason of life
Smirking to my craziness
Hurting my already bleeding heart

The thought of you steals my logic
The sky screaming your name
As it cries for my loss
Reminds me of your eyes
As my grief takes my breath away
My despair embracing my heart
This was your love I breathed in
How can I live without your love?

Dark as your hair
Smooth as your skin
Warm as your breath
Mysterious as your eyes
The Sky was watching me...

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