falling out of love

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Feeling lifeless
lifeless, so cold
cold, freezing
Lika a marble statue
disoriented, not knowing
When did this happen
Why is this happening

Why am I so slowly
Falling out of love?

you were the thunder
Me your lightening
now my heart's all cloudy
Gloomy and dark
Cold like a winter night
it's raining in my heart
But I show no tears
When did this happen
Why is this happening

why am I so slowly
Falling out of love?

The fire of your love
Difrosted my icy heart
the flame of your care
Set fire to my soul
but now the fire is gone
The flame is extinguished
Only ashes remain
Of my wounded bleeding heart
When did this happen
Why is this happening

why am I so slowly
Falling out of love?

Our first kiss so sweet
Our first look so deep
You made me feel loved
When you loved me first
Like I was your angel
Like I was a jewel
now I feel like beaten dust
Like a demon, unworthy of your love
When did this happen
Why is this happening

why am I so slowly
Falling out of love?

You don't understand
You say it's not what I think
you're breaking my heart
Wounding my soul
You love to watch me cry
I won't give you this pleasure
but my heart's raining inside
And I'm drowning in my tears
please, please tell me why
Make me understand
When did this happen
Why is this happening

why am I so slowly
Falling out of love?

Love me again my jewel
Love me again my ray of light
For my heart is decieving me
Telling me you don't love me enough
Make me believe what you say
Love me like you loved me before
when I was your lady
Your angel, your miracle
When there was no world but us
When we were two free souls able to fly
When life hasn't cut our wings yet
For I don't want to believe
That this has happened
That this is happening

That I am so slowly
Falling out of love.

You won't love me
You won't make me believe
You don't wanna try
You ain't gonna mend up the pieces
Of my broken heart
So please, give me my heart back
My heart, my life
My love, my soul
For I wanna leave
I need to go on
Please don't beg, For me to stay
for I can't go on
Stay with you like this anymore
Yes this has happened
you did this to me

Yes I slowly
Fell out of your love...

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