Your eyes

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Your eyes
Dark, mysterious, intense
and I feel myself enchanted
When you lock your eyes with mine...
Unable to look away
As if I have my soul
My life, my past,
My lies...
Bare in front of your eyes

your lips
Soft, Gentle, promising
and I feel myself bewitched
When you press them on mine
Unable to break the kiss, to pull away,
Melting in the kiss...
As if my mind, my heart, my body,
My soul....
Is on fire by a simple touch of your precious lips...

your hands
so strong, so demanding but so full of love
And I feel myself melting
Unable to fight, to push you back
As your hands take hold of mine
As you press me to the wall
As you take me in your arms
As if I'm a child, insecure, wanting
My passion takes over,
You take over me
Taking all mind, logic away...
as if I lost my mind by a simple touch
Of your hands, of your lips,
A simple look in your eyes...

you loved me with passion
You kissed my pains away
You filled my soul with life, fire
You gave me hope with sweet words of love
but my heart feels heavy
And I'm frozen inside
Your words seem empty
Your fire feels cold
Your touch, rough on my skin
Even as your lips gently kiss my face....

A fool you made of me
A fool, a child...
one that believed in your words
One that played in your game...
One that will play it all over again
by just a touch of your lips...
Just a command of your hands...
Just a look in your eyes....
your the endless hole in my heart....

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