Dinif en Qualen

27 1 0

Days have come and gone

Since I fell, since you've left

Since I lost

And as the shock wears off

I keep calm

And I act as I don't care

As I never cared, never loved

My eyes dry and tearless

For I lost all my tears

Crying myself to sleep

Moving on with my life like nothing happened

Like I didn't fall, didn't break, didn't die

A cool mask of indifference

Perfectly slips into place

Just as I build this solid wall around my heart

Around my broken soul

My emotions kept down

My face calm, my eyes dry

But beneath my mask of indifference

I'm broken, my heart a shattered mess

Kept together by all your lies

Sweet words, empty encouragements

The sick feeling of being a plaything,

A whim, a novelty

Overwhelming my mind

Eating my soul, burning my heart

The truth suffocating me like smoke

The truth that I never meant a thing

Just a prettied-up puppet

Doing what my puppeteer demanded

But now the strings are broken

Just like my heart, my soul

Yet still I keep calm

And hide beneath my mask of indifference

My mask I put on the day you changed

The day you left

The day I found the truth

That part of my heart

Which loved you forever, died that day

Now all I have is emptiness in the place

What could've been love will never be

I fell that day, died that day

But even now as I erase every little thing

That we shared together

As I erase every single memory of you

And tear every picture of you to pieces

I keep my mask of indifference on

For now you've become a complete stranger to me

A complete stranger

Just like I've always been a stranger to you

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