Chapter 11

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 I woke up in the sunlight the next morning. Memories of shopping flowed back to my head. Also, memories of angels and new feelings. I was in my blue bed in my new home. I looked at the painted walls in my bedroom. Since I wasn't busy crying, I could notice the pretty, intricate designs of different shades of blues on my walls. All the nice furniture was blue. I smiled and stretched my arms out in the sunlight. I walked to the bathroom and got in my normal clothes. I brushed my hair and teeth, and did my makeup. I smiled in the mirror, ready to face a good day, and not a bad day. I skipped to the kitchen and out the door.

 I hopped on my dark blue bike and began riding. Aidan caught up with me on his red bike. "Where are we going?" he asked, smiling. "I was gonna go to the forest!" I answered excitedly. "Let's go!" he said, speeding up, and riding to the Enchanted Forest. I sped up and right past him. I parked my bike right in front of the large forest and hopped off my bike. I ran into the forest and Aidan ran into the forest next to me. "What are we doing?" he asked smiling brightly. I shrugged. "Walking, I guess!" I said. "Ok!" he said. We began walking deeper into the forest.

 Aidan would point out animals and flowers and tell me what kind they are.

 Suddenly, a black portal opened up in the sky, and Sar fell into the forest and threw his dagger right into my heart.

 I woke up in a cold sweat and heavily breathing. "I'm alright.." I comforted myself. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and got up out of my bed. I quickly ate an apple and got dressed in fresh clothes and brushed my hair and my teeth. I did my makeup too. I sighed in the mirror and walked out my home and hopped on my bike. I began thinking while I rode my bike around town.

 It's been a week since I got here. Everyday, I've lived a fairly normal life. Tomorrow is my first day of school here. Aidan is the closest thing I have to a friend, even though I still have a fear deep in my heart that someday he'll break into my house while I'm sleeping and kill me. I may be evil, but that doesn't mean I can't be good. I can try my best to fit in here and I'll just have to do my best to not be evil, even though that's all I've known.

 I snapped back to reality to see Aidan riding next to me on his red bike. "Hey" he greeted. "Hi" I said, smiling. "Where we going?" he asked. "I don't know, I was just riding around!" I said laughing. He chuckled. "You're first day of school is tomorrow. You excited?" he asked. I shrugged. "I don't really know how to feel about it." I answered. He nodded to say he understood. "Well, I'm sure it'll be fine." he said to comfort me. I smiled and he smiled back.

 "Want to go to the Enchanted Forest?" he asked. "Sure" I answered. We rode our bikes to the large forest. We parked them in front of the forest and hopped off our bikes. We walked into the forest. "So what are we doing here?" I asked. He shrugged. "I like going for walks." he said. I laughed at his simplicity. "I do, too." I agreed. "I guess I just needed someone to talk to." he added. "Why is that?" I asked. He sighed. A deep sigh with full concentration.

 "Aidan, what's up?" I asked, a little more concerned. "I just don't know what higher powers would think about a light angel and a dark angel being friends." he said. I hung my head in thought. "I don't care what they think.." I said. He looked at me with a confused face. "I don't care.." I said, thinking about my words. He sighed. I have to make this official. "Aidan, promise me, we'll forever be friends, and have each other's back?" I begged him. He looked right into my eyes. "I promise, Ellen, we'll always be best friends, and protect each other." he said seriously. I smiled. He smiled. I jumped into his arms and hugged him. His strong feelings triggered his pure white angel wings. They caped around me in love. "I don't want to trigger your wings." he said. No, this couldn't end. I felt like this love could never end. This friendly love. I didn't want it to end. "Please, just let my wings.." I said. His wings spread out to give my wings room, and my coal black wings spread from my back. My heart hurt deep inside as the dark feathers spread in the wind. "You ok?" he asked. "Ya, I'm alright.." I answered. He held me and I felt all my worries wash away for the time his arms were wrapped around me. "I love you best friend!" I laughed. He laughed. "I love you best friend." he said.

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