Chapter 7

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 I slowly opened up my eyes. My head felt a little better. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. I was laying in a white bed in a black stylish room, like a bed room. Memories of when I blacked out flooded back..


 I was sad..

 It didn't work..

 Apparently, I'll never be.. free..


 A terrified expression creeped itself onto my face. I tried so hard. I bit my lip trying so hard not to cry. A single tear spilt down my burning cheek. I blinked my eyes forcing more tears to spill. I looked around in the room more. All black and white. There wasn't even any windows. More tears flowed down, it hurt so much to cry. I sobbed out loud. I wiped the tears trying so hard to stop this. I tried to stop this pain. I didn't want to feel it anymore. I didn't want to feel anything anymore! I screamed in pain and agony. I sobbed and screamed and cried.

 I heard the door burst open. "Ellen?" a voice said. I opened my burning eyes just enough to see who called my name. A man with dark brown hair, almost black. Pale-ish skin.

 Crystal brown eyes.


 "Get-Get A-Away!!" I stammered, almost unable to speak. I sat up in the bed and held my hands in the air in front of my face worried he would hurt me. He took a step closer. "No, Ple-Please!!" I begged. He took another step closer. I backed up closer to the side of the bed and fell through into the space between the wall and the bed. I screamed in pain. Sar ran over to me and grabbed my arms. I tried to kick and punch him away, but I couldn't even stand up by myself. "NO, PLEASE!!" I screamed, pleaded. "Ellen, calm down!" he commanded. "N-NO!" I screamed. He pulled me up and held me bridal style, but holding onto my legs and arms so tightly so I couldn't even move. I sobbed in his arms and he carried me out the room.

 "No!!" I tried to scream, my voice breaking. I continued sobbing and trying to scream as he carried me a black hall. I looked into his eyes pleadingly as he looked slightly worried, or sad. He glanced into my eyes and immediately pulled his eyes away from mine. We stayed silent for a while as I tried to stop sobbing.

 We finally got to the end of the black hall. "Where-Where are you ta-taking me.." I managed to ask. He huffed, as if saying he wasn't going to tell me. I took a deep breath. He opened the door by pushing it open with his back and carried me into a black room full of black smoke. "Are we in the Dead End?" I asked making sure I was correct. Continuing to avoid looking at me, he nodded.

 He carried me closer to the middle of the room. He stood in the middle of the room looking around. "Dead End?" he called out in the lonely building. "You brought her?" the thundering voice called out. Sar sighed. I detected worry. "What's going on?" I asked, worried myself. Sar looked at me so worried and looked back and forth between me and somewhere in the thick black fog.

 I saw a black shadow run along the walls.

 My eyes widened in fear. The black shadow on the wall seemed to be walking down a set of stairs. I followed the shadow on the wall to the source of it, and saw a man walking through the black fog. He stopped just at a point where I couldn't see his face. "See if she can walk." He commanded Sar. Sar let go of his unbelievably tight grip on my legs and arms. I balanced myself on the cold floor and stood up straight.

 "I might as well explain what's going on." the dark voice said.

 "See, your mother, she always wanted you to never take the crown," the mysterious shadow-man began. I gulped in complete fear. He continued, "She always thought you were too nice to rule over such a place. I, on the other hand, thought you were perfect for the throne. Although, that did mean, you'd certainly be an Empath. That's what happens when someone takes the crown for here. But, one day, you gave an obvious sign that you were apparently already an Empath! You were so young.." his voice trailed off. He continued, "We knew that you were to take the crown as soon as possible. Your mom knew this, but thought you had already been through so much, she didn't want you to take it anymore, so she decided to run off with you, knowing I would never allow that. When I heard of this, I immediately went after her and found her. When she wouldn't hand you over I simply sent her to Earth. Unfortunately, she spawned right in front a speeding car, but that didn't matter too much. What mattered was I wasn't quite ready for you to take the crown. In fact, I came to the conclusion I would never be ready for you to take the crown! I finally decided just to rid of you. But apparently, your mother had contacts with GOOD FORCES. Just as I was about to rid of you, good forces, including yours truly, Sar, stopped me. As soon as I realized I couldn't stop them, I thought I must at least stop you. I tried to shoot an evil curse at your heart, but your Empathy blocked it. It bounced off and hit Sar right in the heart. They took you, gave you fake memories of a good father and mother, and sent you to Earth safely. They, luckily for me, left me alone, so I continued searching for a way to eventually get you here so I could destroy you. When Matthias somehow led you here, I decided it'd just be easier on me to let Sar defeat you. But, he took to LONG.."

 My heart shattered. I stabled myself. I sobbed quietly to myself. I looked at Sar as if asking if this is true. Sar looked at me, looking like he was going to cry. We stared right into each other's eyes. "I bet you hate him now, for bringing you here, even though I gave him a chance not to." The man said. My eyes widened.


 "Sar?" I asked. Asking if this was true. He immediately looked away. I let this sink in my broken heart. I heard Sar quietly sob while still trying not to look at me. I felt so lonely. So scared. So worried.

 "Well, sweetie, this is your dead end.." the man said as he finally came out from lingering in the shadows. He had pale skin. raven black hair. A black suit on. and deep blue-green eyes, just like mine. I guess I met my real dad.. He grinned wide and laughed evilly. He ran into the room and his hand glowed with a black light. "NIGHT NIGHT!!" he screamed insanely. I screamed, unable to move. The insane man began running closer and closer to me. I screamed in fear and sobbed. Just as he threw the black spark at my shattered heart, Sar pushed me down to the ground and ran to the evil man. Sar jumped on Dead End and they fell down to the stone ground. Sar grew a black spark on his hand and continued throwing spark after spark at Dead End's face. "YOU CAN'T HURT ME!!!" Dead End screamed. Dead End pushed Sar off of him and Sar went flying to the roof. He hit the roof and fell all the way down right to the ground. He screamed in pain and couldn't get himself up.

 He summoned himself into my heart.

 everything went black and white. The world spun around. I couldn't even control myself. Black wings sprouted from my back and I went flying up in the air, pushed the black gates down with just my bare arms, and flew out. "I'LL GET YOU!!" I heard Dead End scream as I saw him for the hopefully the last time ever. Suddenly, Sar flew out of my heart. The black wings disappeared and everything went back to color. I went flying down through the endless black sky. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Sar came flying out of another direction with black wings and scooped me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, scared for my life. He went soaring down to the ground. All I saw was red at the bottom. As we got closer and closer, I realized it was fire. Real, burning fire. I screamed thinking why Sar would want to kill me. While still holding me, he went flying right through the fire. I didn't feel even any warmth from the fire, but Sar screamed in pure agony and pain. I sobbed and we finally reached the other side of the fire. He jumped onto the pure black grass and I flew out his arms and onto the cold ground.

 "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" I sobbed. He sobbed himself, tears flowing down his cheeks as well. "I'm so-so sorry!! I took away his ability to control me, but I just lost my self control now!!" he sobbed, unable to look at me. "I'm dangerous now, get away!!" he begged, pleaded, sobbing. I struggled to get up and began running without hesitate. "WAIT," Sar screamed. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" he begged. I began slowly stopping my running. I took one last step and stood still. I took a deep sigh. I began ever so slowly turning around. I looked right into his pleading, sobbing, red from crying eyes. I began slowly taking one step at a time towards him.

 "This is a trap.." I told myself.

 "Don't do this.." I told myself.

 "This is wrong.." I told myself.

 I finally stood right above him, looking down. He sobbed one last time and sniffled. He looked up right into my depressed eyes. He lifted his hand and summoned a black spark, with a tiny blue light in the center of the black light that burned my eyes. I backed up one step..

 Too late.

 He shot the black and blue light right into my racing heart. I was shot down to the ground. "What.. did you do.." I whispered, demanding to know. He quietly sobbed to himself. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed as I immediately got up to my hurting feet. I summoned a black light in the palm of my hand and held up my arm. As if I did that naturally. "I.. changed your heart.. evil.." he struggled to say as he tried to get up. The black light immediately disappeared out of my hand. A depressed expression crept onto my face. "You.. what..?" I whispered, so hurt. He sobbed louder. "You have to-" I cut him off and soared up to the black sky, sprouting black wings. I sobbed, tears flying through the cold wind. I flew up quicker and quicker, trying to beat the speed of light. I threw a black portal up into the air, no idea where it would lead me. I zoomed right into the spiraling black portal and everything went black.

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