Chapter 12

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 I got ready for school and jumped on my bike. I met up with Aidan and Honey, and we rode together to the school. We parked our bikes in front of the school, and walked inside. It was a small school, but perfect for me. Aidan got me a school schedule, and we walked to our first class together. We had Science first. We sat down in our seats, and everyone turned around to see me. Everyone smiled and rushed to my desk.

 "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "Did you really fall from the sky?" "How did you get here?" "I like your hair!" "Do you like Trustan?" "Guys, leave her alone." "Are you smart? Can you help me with work?" The questions over loaded my brain, and I held up my hands to signal to give me space. Everyone backed up a little. "Alright guys, it's her first day. Give her some room!" Aidan said. I weakly smiled at him and he half smiled. The bell finally rang.

 A woman walked in and I realized it was Nani. Nani teaches this school? I'm not surprised. I realized she had a whistle around her neck to shout at us. Nani picked up a piece of chalk, and wrote on the chalk board: Study pgs. 56-66 and grab homework on way out.

 I grabbed the large Science book out of my new navy blue backpack. I flipped through the pages until I got to page 56. I began reading, trying to focus as hard as I could so I could do well in this school.

 But, it's kind of hard when a guy is staring at you..

 I looked up just a bit to see a guy a few rows up, and closer to the wall, was staring at me, as if examining me. He had short, dark brown hair, almost like a black. Crystal blue eyes. A black shirt, and dark jeans, torn up near the end for a design. Black shoes. And I realized, a hook for a hand on his left hand. A silver, sharp point at the end of the curve. My eyes widened and my heart raced. The guy turned his head to look at Aidan. Aidan raised his head to look at the guy. They both glanced at me, and Aidan lightly shook his head. Hook glanced at me once again, and turned to the front. Aidan looked at me mouthing, "Tell you later." I nodded my head and went back to reading.

 "In this chapter, you will learn of animal care.."

 I finished reading the pages and when I looked up, the bell rang for next class. Everyone stood and walked out the class. I grabbed the homework sheet by the door, and slid it in the pocket of my science folder. The guy with the hook and Aidan were waiting by the door for me. I walked up to them, and Aidan half smiled. The hook guy weakly smiled, it wasn't even a smile, really. "Ellen, this is Hook." he said. He raised up his arm with the hook. "Why- I mean, What- I mean, how do you..?" I tripped over my own words. "Shark attack. I was saving Aidan." Aidan chuckled embarrassingly. "That's also how he became an angel, I brought him up." he said. "You're a light angel too?" I asked Hook. He nodded. "Aidan told me you're a dark angel with a good heart, so don't worry." Only that time, I realized he had a heavy Irish accent. I looked back and forth between them. "WELL, we better get to class.." I said nervously. I felt uncomfortable being a dark angel, surrounded and cornered by light angels..

 I'm ok.. I'm alright..

 School is going to be great.

 This life is going to be amazing.

 I'm putting the past in the past, and keeping it there.

 I'm sorry, Kalli. I'm sorry Beth, for not being there for you to steal. I'm sorry Scotland, for not being there for you to lie and use. I'm done with everything there. This is my home, and I will never leave, no matter what the price.

 Goodbye, past.

 Hello, Trustan.

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