Chapter 1

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 I walked along the sidewalk, cars zooming by. My long, curly, golden brown hair flowing in the wind. The pale, white moon shining in my deep, dark, blue-green eyes. The cold night's wind blowing away. My navy blue tank top flowing in the wind. My dark jeans and my sparkly silver converses keeping me warm. I kept walking, trying to clear my mind.

 "Ellen, wait up!" someone from behind me called out. I paused. My heart rate increased from the shock. I turned around slowly to see who called out my name. I smiled at the sight of my best friend, Kalli, running to catch up with me. Her soft, ash blonde, curly hair bouncing with every step as her crystal blue eyes shined in the street lights. Her sparkly black tank top flowing. Her light jeans and her red converses.

 I remember well how Kalli and I became best friends. In sixth grade, we were both alone and scared, with no friends. We both sat at that table that the people with no friends sit at. We caught each other's eye, and introduced each other. Soon, we became best friends, and never left each other's side. Now, we're in high school, eleventh grade. Best friends for six years.

 "Hey, where are you going?" she asked as she slowed down to walk by me. "I was gonna get away from town for a while." I answered, not really wanting to talk. We stayed silent for a few steps. She looked as if she realized why. "Ellen, you have to stop this." she said quite seriously. "I really don't want to.." I mumbled, knowing she knew why I needed to get away. "You'll just get lonely and depressed." she said, even more seriously. "I won't!" I said, wondering why she would be so concerned about me. I've hid a lot from her. "You have to get over him, he's not your friend!" she said, almost exclaiming. "I am over him, it's just sad, the fact that we had been friends for life and he just.. left.." I said, slowing down at the last part, not wanting to say what happened..

 She rolled her eyes. "If you get lonely, you come running to me." she said seriously, falling behind me, starting to the other way. I smiled weakly and continued walking towards the exit of town. I sighed loudly and kicked up the rocks. I walked right past the sign saying, "Come back to Cliffmore!" I scowled at the sign, hating the town I lived in. I want to move to Candy Land, or something. I walked to the forest to the side of the road leading into the town. I walked past the large, evergreen trees. I kicked up pinecones as I continued to walk through the small forest. I finally got past the rows of trees and got to the small river that flowed by. I sat down by the river, on the ground, and stared into my reflection in the crystal water. I took a slow, deep breath, and fingered the golden chain around my wrist. The beautiful metal bracelet my mom gave to me. I smiled at the thought of my mom, knowing she was smiling down upon me. I looked up into the bright, golden stars. My hair flowed through the breezy wind. I cleared my mind of my past.

..Nope, never mind.

 The sudden sadness forced my heart to race, and I immediately stood up and ran back through the forest. "Can't think, can't feel.." I mumbled to myself as I raced by the trees. I got out the forest and ran back into the town, running past the sign reading, "Welcome to Cliffmore!" I groaned at the thought of this horrible place and ran to my dorm at Cliffmore High's dormitory building. I ran through the door, past the lobby, up the flights of stairs, and into my room. My hands shakily fumbled around with closing the door, and my legs shakily walked me to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, and stared into my blood red eyes, a terrified expression creeping onto my pale face.

 "Hehe.." a laugh echoed aloud. I clasped my hands over my chest where my heart ached, my nails digging into my skin. "I hate you.." I mumbled. "You love me." his dark voice argued. "You love evil." he finished. "I'm good, I'm good.." I mumbled. "You're not good, you're evil!!" he exclaimed, continuing to argue. "IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" I yelled out. "He left you because you did this to him!" he continued to bully in a sing-song voice. "If he left me, he never loved me.." I tried to convince myself. "No one will love you." he said, torturing me. "I have friends!" I argued. "Ya, you got Kalli, then you got the liar, and the stealer." he said. He was right. Scotland lied to me everyday. Beth stole from me with no regret. "Kalli is still my friend." I tried to argue. "You know she'd never be your friend if you told her what you did!" he said convincingly. "I know.." I admitted. He laughed mockingly and I felt his dark, EVIL presence leave me. "He got to me again.." I whispered to myself. "I won't let him get to me next time!" I tried to promise myself, but deep in my heart, I just knew he would get to me, and he always will. "I hate you, Sar.." I whispered to myself. His painful laugh echoed in my head, even though he wasn't even there. His name suits him, all he causes is pain.

Pain, my worst nightmare.

 I guess I live a nightmare, then..

 I stumbled out the bathroom and flopped onto my bed, on the soft, navy blue blanket, my head resting on the gold colored pillows. I closed my eyes, and immediately fell asleep.

 Dreams aren't real, Sar, you can't get to me in my dream world..

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