Chapter one~

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(This story was written by me and hemmotron2003, and it switches POVs every chapter because we wrote it together lol ♡)

Jennaveve ' s POV

I looked up at them. My favorite band right in front of me. I was in the second row. I saw him, Calum, at his microphone, holding his bass. He was sweaty and looked hot as fuck to be honest. I sighed. I swatted my sweaty hair off of my shoulder. My dark rooted curls swung out of my face. I saw Michael sing his line and then looked at me, right in my bright blue eyes. I freaked out a bit, smiling at him. He smiled back. "Oh my god." I whispered. A girl next to me smiled. "Lucky!" She yelled over the music. "I know!" I yelled back. She smiled and went back to dancing with her friends. I suddenly wished I wasn't here alone. Good thing I took a video of Michael seeing me. I can show Charlie later. I don't have that many friends, my closest friend is a guy named Charlie. He likes the band too. He would freak out when I showed him.

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