Chapter 185~

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Jennaveve's POV

I woke up in Charlie's bed, not on the couch that I fell asleep on. Charlie must have carried me up the stairs. I smiled slightly into the pillow and huffed, making myself sit up. Charlie wasn't there, he must have already gotten up to eat. I grabbed my phone off of the night stand and saw that I had no notifications. I bit my lip and texted Calum good morning first for once.
From Cal♡~ Goodmorning babe♡ What's the plan for tday?
To Cal♡~ Not sure yet... any ideas?
From Cal♡~ You live here babe...;)
To Cal♡~ Don't get sassy... I'll think of something:)
From Cal♡~ Text me when you do:)
I put my phone down and went into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and putting my hair up I went out into the kitchen to find Charlie eating cereal as usual. "Good morning." I said. I saw another bowl next to his and raised my eyebrow. "What's that?" I asked, right as a girl walked out of the bathroom. "Eve, this is Ava. She's my girlfriend." Charlie said, smiling at me along with the blonde girl, who walked over to him and put her hand in his.

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